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Learning Disabilities Courses

Learning Disabilities Courses

Learning Disabilities Courses

Source: brainbalance

Learning Disabilities Courses

Empowering educators to effectively support all students is a crucial task that can be transformative not only for individual learners but also for the entire learning environment.

At Vidhyanidhi Education Society, we believe that true education fosters inclusivity and understanding. VES’s “Learning Disabilities Courses” are a cornerstone of this initiative, giving educators the knowledge and abilities necessary to handle a variety of learning problems.

These courses offer intellectual foundations for learning difficulties in addition to practical techniques and procedures for creating an environment where every child may achieve. We are reimagining what it means to teach and learn in the twenty-first century.

Table of Content

Career Scope of Learning Disabilities Courses

Source: ahealth

Career Scope of Learning Disabilities Courses

Renowned for its educational courses, Vidhyanidhi Education Society provides a program specifically focused on Learning Disabilities. This curriculum is curated to equip individuals with the essential understanding and skill set to assist children and adults grappling with learning disabilities.

There is a wide Career Scope of Learning Disabilities Courses including:

Special Educator:

Tasked with providing tailored educational services and support to disabled individuals, including those with learning disabilities.

Learning Disability Specialist:

Holds the responsibility for evaluating, diagnosing, and formulating treatment strategies for individuals having learning disabilities.

Behavior Therapist:

Helps people with disabilities, including learning disabilities, cultivate and uphold constructive behaviors.

Educational Consultant:

Collaborates with schools, parents, and students to offer guidance and support for those dealing with learning disabilities.

Member of NGO:

Work as a part of an NGO dealing with learning disabilities among poor children.

Upcoming Entrepreneur:

Build your own activity center for children with learning disabilities with ample enriching activities.

In summary, Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s Learning Disability Course can pave the way for various employment prospects in the arena of special education and disability service area.

Benefits of Pursuing Learning Disabilities Courses

Registering for a Learning Disabilities Course at Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) presents numerous perks that can guide ambitious professionals to realize their career ambitions in the sphere of learning disabilities.

Notable Benefits of Pursuing Learning Disabilities Courses from VES comprise:

  • Universal Acceptance of the courses.
  • Efficient Course Dissemination.
  • Examination-free Approach.
  • Reasonably Priced Tuition fees.
  • The course syllabus is devised by Professional Psychologists.
  • Counseling from Expert Mentors.
  • Provision of Internship Recommendation Letter.
  • Globally Acknowledged Certificate.

Conclusively, signing up for a Learning Disabilities Course at VES imparts an inclusive learning experience and a myriad of career gains that can drive you to meet your professional milestones.

Eligibility & Qualification Learning Disabilities Courses

Eligibility & qualification Learning Disabilities Courses are stated beneath:

  • The Diploma in Learning Disabilities Course at the Vidhyanidhi Education Society is open to individuals who’ve completed their 10+2 education from a certified board or university and have a fervor for teaching.
  • Experience or familiarity with learning disabilities isn’t a must-have prerequisite for enlisting in this course.

Call here at 9321024137 / 9869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

For Downloading the brochure click here

Duration of Learning Disabilities Courses

Source: nwcstraining

Duration of Learning Disabilities Courses

At Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES), Duration of Learning Disabilities Courses is designed to be completed within a year. However, a Fast Track mode is offered for learners who wish to complete the course ahead of the standard timeline. This level of flexibility ensures students can continue to meet their personal and professional obligations while pursuing new learning experiences.

Online Courses on Learning Disabilities in India

Vidhyanidhi Education Society offers enlightening and thorough Online Courses on Learning Disabilities in India, which provide individuals with the vital skills and knowledge to become accomplished professionals in the learning disabilities domain. Offering the comfort of online learning and a flexible course timeline, this program is a perfect fit for those considering a career in this arena.

Unique advantages of enrolling in the Learning Disabilities Certificate Online course at VES are:

  • Comfortable and adaptable learning process.
  • Budget-friendly fees.
  • Experienced mentors’ guidance.
  • Comprehensive course syllabus.
  • Archived lectures and videos.
  • Confirmation letter for internship.
  • Online helpdesk support.

Spld Qualification Distance Learning

Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) presents a sweeping and supremely applicable ‘Spld Qualification Distance Learning program, attuned to the growing call for informed and competent specialists in the learning disabilities domain. This course facilitates a pliable and fitting educational experience through its online and remote learning possibilities.

The VES program is planned to furnish learners with an in-depth understanding of the traits, symptoms, and forms of learning disabilities, testing and intervention procedures, inclusive teaching, and assistive machinery.

Veteran instructors lead the course, buttressed by pre-recorded lectures and multimedia content for each chapter and theme, fostering independent, home-friendly learning.

Learning Disability Courses Mumbai

Experience unparalleled excellence in learning disability education with Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s premier Learning Disability Courses Mumbai.

These comprehensive programs delve into a myriad of key aspects, including:

  • Mastering the art of identifying and providing unwavering support to children with learning disabilities.
  • Acquiring extensive knowledge of radical assessment and intervention strategies that effectively cater to the unique needs of these children.
  • Understanding the developmental characteristics exhibited by typically developing children and those with special needs, enabling you to create inclusive learning environments.
  • A thorough analysis of a variety of learning challenges, including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, anomalies in auditory and visual processing, and dyspraxia.
  • To establish a warm and effective learning atmosphere, immerse yourself in the fields of inclusive education, assistive technology, and curriculum adaptation.
  • Studying behavior intervention strategies tailored specifically for children with learning disabilities, empowering them to thrive academically and socially.
  • Developing a profound understanding of the pivotal role parents play in backing for and supporting inclusive education.
  • Discovering the diverse certification options and concessions available to ensure equal opportunities for children with learning disabilities.
  • Exploring innovative adaptive teaching techniques that augment your teaching skills and engage diverse learners effectively.

For enrolment details call VES at 9321024137 / 9869866277.

For Downloading the brochure click here

Syllabus of Learning Disabilities Courses

Source: careerguide

Syllabus of Learning Disabilities Courses

The Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) prides itself on offering superior and complete course content to its students, and the Learning Disabilities Diploma Course (LD) stands a testament to this. This program is developed to furnish students with an understanding and the skills necessary to recognize, evaluate, and support children who have learning disabilities.

Here is a thorough breakdown of the Syllabus of Learning Disabilities Courses:

MODULE I: Comprehending Children with Special Requirements

  • Typical Developmental Aspects of Growing Children
  • Children with Special Requirements
  • The Notion of Learning Disability
  • Identifying Children with Learning Disabilities

MODULE II: Learning Disabilities: Examining Characteristics, Signs and Types

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
  • Visual Processing Disorder
  • Dyspraxia

MODULE III: Evaluation and Intervention Techniques

  • Evaluation: Concept, Objectives, and Methods
  • Diverse Assessment Approaches
  • Teacher-centric Intervention Strategies
  • Intervention Approaches for Children with Learning Disabilities
  • General Intervention Tactics for Parents
  • Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Intervention Strategies

MODULE IV: The Role of Inclusive Education

  • Recognizing the Importance of Inclusive Education
  • Techniques for Behavioral Modification in Children with Learning Disabilities
  • The Application of Assistive Technology
  • Curriculum Adjustment and Modification Techniques
  • Certifications and Allowances for Children with Learning Disabilities
  • Adaptable Teaching Methods
  • The Participation of Parents in Inclusive Education

Upon completion of this all-inclusive course on Learning Disabilities, students will exit VES with a profound understanding of learning disabilities, assessment and intervention methodologies, and inclusive education practices.

Dyslexia Certification Programs Online

Dyslexia, a common learning disorder, affects one’s ability to read, write, and spell. To empower educators in better assisting those with dyslexia, Vidhyanidhi Education Society offers comprehensive Dyslexia Certification Programs Online. These programs provide teachers with valuable knowledge and techniques to create a supportive learning environment for students dealing with dyslexia.

VES’s curriculum covers vital topics including:

  • Understanding Dyslexia: The basics, types, and prevalence.
  • Early Identification: Signs and symptoms of dyslexia in children.
  • Dyslexia Assessment: Tools and techniques to assess dyslexia.
  • Intervention Strategies: Proven methods to help students overcome their challenges.
  • Technological Support: Using modern technology to aid in teaching dyslexic students.
  • Emotional Support: Addressing the emotional needs of dyslexic students to enhance their confidence.

This program is an enriching opportunity for educators to enhance their teaching skills and create an inclusive classroom environment.

Special Course

Vidhyanidhi Education Society is proud to present the unique “Special Course” designed to enrich, empower, and equip educators with comprehensive pedagogical skills. VES’s innovative curriculum is an amalgamation of contemporary teaching methodologies and traditional educational philosophies, paving the way for holistic educational development. It’s sculpted meticulously to engage participants deeply in an array of subjects, fostering their evolution into exemplary educators.

The main highlights of the curriculum are:

Child psychology and development:

Understanding the intricate processes that influence children’s growth, behavior, and learning capabilities.

Classroom management:

Strategies to establish and maintain an environment conducive to student success.

Instructional strategies:

Techniques to plan, execute, and evaluate instruction, meeting diverse learners’ needs.

Education technology:

Exploring innovative teaching tools and technologies to make learning more engaging.

Evaluation methods:

Techniques for assessing and improving student learning outcomes.

Special Education:

Deep-diving into strategies to inclusively educate students with special needs.

Experience the transformative journey of learning and growth with the Special Courses at Vidhyanidhi Education Society. Be the educator who makes a difference.

For More details Call / Whatsapp us at +919869546913 / +919869866277

For Downloading the brochure click here

What Is Shadow Teacher?

Source: fsedu

What Is Shadow Teacher?

At Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES), we often encounter the question: “What is a shadow teacher?” A Shadow Teacher is an educational professional who works meticulously with a single student, ensuring their academic and social needs are met within conventional schooling. This role primarily focuses on students with special needs, ensuring they’re not left in the dark and are given equal opportunities to thrive.

Shadow teachers promote an inclusive environment by assisting students in understanding and engaging in the curriculum, facilitating interaction with peers, and bolstering self-confidence. They act as a guiding light, ensuring the students are integrated within the broader class structure, while also providing individualized attention.

At VES, the courses delve into the following crucial aspects of a Shadow Teacher:

  • Understanding the unique role and responsibilities of a shadow teacher.
  • Strategies for effective communication and cooperation with parents and other educators.
  • Techniques to foster social and academic integration of the student.
  • Implementation of individualized educational plans.
  • Cultivation of an inclusive classroom environment.

VES not only equips educators with the knowledge of what a shadow teacher is but also prepares them to become one, shining a light on every student’s potential.

Students with Learning Disabilities: Reading Strategies

When developing reading techniques for Students with Learning Disabilities: Reading Strategies it is critical to consider their specific needs and skills.

Here are some ways that might help these students:

Multisensory Approach:

Engage multiple senses while reading. For example, use visual aids, manipulatives, or hands-on activities to reinforce concepts.

Pre-reading Activities:

Help students activate their prior knowledge and build a foundation for reading. This can include previewing the text, discussing related topics, or brainstorming ideas.


Break down reading material into smaller, manageable chunks. Focus on one section at a time, and provide opportunities for review and reinforcement.

Graphic Organizers:

Use visual tools like graphic organizers, charts, or diagrams to help students organize information and see the relationships between ideas.

Highlighting and Annotation:

Teach students to highlight or underline key information in the text. Encourage them to jot down notes or questions in the margins to aid comprehension and engagement.

Read Aloud:

Provide opportunities for students to listen to texts being read aloud. This can help with comprehension, vocabulary development, and fluency.

Reciprocal Teaching:

Teach students to become active readers by using strategies like predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. Encourage them to take turns leading discussions in small groups.

Vocabulary Support:

Help students understand and learn new vocabulary by providing definitions, using context clues, or creating personalized word lists.

Assistive Technology:

Explore the use of assistive technology tools such as text-to-speech software, screen readers, or speech recognition software to support reading and comprehension.

Scaffolded Instruction:

Gradually decrease the level of support as students become more proficient readers. Provide guided practice and gradually increase the complexity of the texts.

Individualized Instruction:

Recognize that each student has unique needs. Differentiate instruction to address specific learning difficulties and provide additional support or accommodations as necessary.

Motivation and Engagement:

Foster a positive reading environment by incorporating student interests, offering choices, and celebrating progress. Encourage children to express their ideas and opinions on what they have read.

Remember that successful reading techniques for children with learning impairments must be developed and implemented in collaboration with special education teachers, reading experts, and other professionals.

Teaching Techniques for Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a learning disability that touches a person’s capability to comprehend and work with numbers. It can make it challenging for individuals to comprehend mathematical concepts, perform calculations, and develop number sense.

When teaching individuals with dyscalculia, it’s important to use specialized techniques and strategies to help them overcome difficulties and succeed in mathematics.

Here are some effective Teaching Techniques for Dyscalculia:

Multisensory Approach:

Engage multiple senses by incorporating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements into your teaching. Use manipulatives, such as counting blocks, number lines, or cubes, to help students visualize and manipulate numbers.

Concrete to Abstract Progression:

Start with concrete, hands-on experiences before moving to abstract concepts. Begin with real-world examples and physical manipulatives to establish a strong foundation. Then gradually transition to pictorial representations and symbolic notation.

Break Down Concepts:

Divide complex concepts into smaller, more manageable parts. Present information in a step-by-step manner, providing clear explanations and giving ample time for students to grasp each component before moving on.

Provide Visual Representations:

Utilize visual aids to support understanding. Graphs, charts, diagrams, and drawings can help students visualize mathematical relationships and concepts. Colour coding and highlighting can also assist in organizing information.

Focus on Number Sense:

Emphasize activities that enhance number sense, such as number recognition, estimation, and comparison. Encourage students to explore numbers in various contexts, such as through games, puzzles, or real-life scenarios.

Use Mnemonics and Memory Strategies:

Employ memory aids, mnemonic devices, or rhymes to help students remember key mathematical facts or procedures. For instance, using acronyms like “PEMDAS” (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally) to remember the order of operations.

Provide Structured Practice:

Offer structured and repetitive practice opportunities to reinforce concepts. Gradually increase the complexity of problems while ensuring students have mastered the foundational skills before moving forward.

Real-World Connections:

Show the practical applications of mathematics in everyday life. Connect mathematical principles to real-life circumstances and problem-solving scenarios. This helps students understand the importance of what they are studying and inspires them to interact with the topic.

Differentiated Instruction:

Recognize that students with dyscalculia may have individualized learning needs. Differentiate instruction by providing additional support, accommodations, or modifications tailored to each student’s abilities. Offer extra time, alternative assessment methods, or personalized instruction when necessary.

Positive Reinforcement and Support:

Encourage a growth mindset and provide positive reinforcement for effort and progress. Recognize and celebrate small achievements to build confidence and motivation. Create a welcoming and inclusive learning atmosphere in which students feel comfortable asking questions and seeking assistance.

Remember that each student with dyscalculia has distinct strengths and weaknesses, therefore training and therapies must be tailored to fit their personal requirements. Collaboration with special education experts, parents, and carers can provide significant insights and solutions for assisting children with dyscalculia.

Turn your learning hurdles into triumphs with Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s Learning Disabilities Courses. Enrol now!

Contact 9321024137 / 9869866277 for course details.

Click Here for a brochure to understand more about the courses.


Dyslexia is a common type of learning disability, making reading and language processing challenging for individuals.

"Learners with special needs" refers to students requiring personalized educational support due to disabilities or learning differences.

Teaching LD students involves using multi-sensory methods, adapting content, and offering patience. Vidhyanidhi Education Society offers specialized Learning Disability Courses.

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