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Learning Disability Courses in Kerala

Learning Disability Courses in Kerala

Learning Disability Courses in Kerala

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Learning Disability Courses in Kerala

With the rise of specialized education services, Learning Disability Courses Kerala are emerging as a beacon of hope for countless students struggling to succeed in traditional learning environments. The cherry on the cake Vidhyanidhi Education Society, Mumbai is providing opportunities for passionate aspirants in Kerala through online/ distance Learning Disability Courses in Kerala.

The Learning Disability Courses in Kerala are created to provide the aspirants with the necessary skills and knowledge to help children with learning disabilities efficiently face the challenges. The courses also include advanced and updated teaching methods to encourage a wide-ranging and supportive learning atmosphere.

The emphasis is on nurturing individual potential and paving the way for every student to attain their educational goals.

Table of Content

Career Scope of Learning Disability Courses

Source: brainbalancecenters

Career Scope of Learning Disability Courses

The Vidhyanidhi Education Society provides an internationally esteemed Diploma in Learning Disability, opening doors to a wide spectrum of career choices in this discipline.

Delving into some of these promising Career Scope of Learning Disability Courses are:

Special Needs/Remedial Instructor

  • Engage with children encountering specific learning challenges
  • Craft individualized lesson modules, supporting students in their learning progression
  • Utilize a variety of instructional techniques to help children grasp the subject matter

Personal Aid Educator

  • Furnish tailored support to special needs children within the academic setting
  • Liaise with mainstream teachers to ensure comprehensive fulfilment of students’ needs
  • Assist students in deciphering instructions and engaging actively in classroom activities

Care Provider in Special Education

  • Deliver both emotional and physical support to special needs children
  • Assist with everyday tasks such as eating, clothing, and personal care
  • Work in conjunction with healthcare and pedagogic professionals to secure the best care for children

Founder of a Special Needs Children’s Facility

  • Create a learning facility specifically for special needs children
  • Implement a range of educational curricula and therapies to enable children to reach their potential
  • Foster an inclusive and supportive atmosphere for children

Facilitator for Academic Challenges of Special Needs Children

  • Detect and bolster children struggling with academic subjects
  • Draft personalized learning strategies to help children surmount academic hurdles
  • Implement a myriad of teaching methods to aid in subject understanding

Associate of Education-based NGOs

  • Collaborate with NGOs to offer educational and therapeutic aid to children with special needs
  • Design and actualize programs that aid children in reaching their fullest potential
  • Advocate for the needs of special needs children, raising societal awareness.

Benefits of Pursuing Learning Disability Courses

Registering for a Learning Disabilities Course offered by Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) provides an array of perks that are beneficial for those aiming to thrive in the learning disabilities sector.

Essential Benefits of Pursuing Learning Disability Courses from VES are:

  • Worldwide Credibility of the course.
  • Comfortable Course Implementation.
  • No Examination Hassle.
  • Affordable Fee Setup.
  • Syllabus Compiled by On-Field Psychologists.
  • Guidance from Veteran Mentors.
  • Offering of Internship Endorsement Letter.
  • Internationally Admissible Certification.

In short, taking up a Learning Disabilities Course from VES equips you with thorough training and countless career advantages that will support you in fulfilling your professional aspirations.

Eligibility & Qualification for Learning Disability Courses

Eligibility & Qualification for Learning Disability Courses are:

  • To qualify for the Learning Disabilities Course at Vidhyanidhi Education Society, you must hold a 10+2 degree from a respected board or university and a strong inclination towards teaching.
  • It isn’t essential to have a prior background or familiarity with learning disabilities to join this course.

Duration of Learning Disability Courses

The Duration of Learning Disability Courses is as follows:

  • Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s one-year Duration of Learning Disability Courses includes a unique Fast Track mode for those seeking quicker course completion.
  • This tailored approach supports students in managing their personal and professional obligations, all the while enhancing their competencies and understanding.

For Course fees please call or Whatsapp on 9321024137 / 9869866277.

For Downloading the brochure click here

Learning Disability Courses Online

Source: english

Learning Disability Courses Online

The Learning Disability Courses Online offered by the Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) is an exhaustive educational program, crafted to equip individuals with the necessary acumen and skills to excel as professionals in the field of learning disabilities.

Merging the convenience of virtual learning with adaptable course duration, the course is perfectly designed for those intending to build a career in this field.

The salient benefits of enrolling in the Learning Disabilities Certificate Online course at VES include:

  • Customizable and comfortable learning.
  • Economical course fees.
  • Mentorship from seasoned professionals.
  • Wide-ranging course content.
  • Access to a library of pre-recorded lectures and videos.
  • Provision of internship certification.
  • Constant online help and support.

Learning Disability Course in Distance Education

Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) introduces a detailed and highly applied Learning Disability Course in Distance Education catering to the augmenting requirement for proficient and insightful professionals with learning disabilities. This program ensures a flexible and convenient scholastic journey by employing online and distance learning avenues.

The VES program is established to bestow students with a comprehensive comprehension of the attributes, symptoms, and types of learning disabilities, examination and intervention procedures, comprehensive education, and enabling technology.

Experienced tutors guide the course, bolstered by digital lectures and video lessons for each module and topic, fostering self-paced learning within the confines of home.

Venture with VES today and take the first stride towards a rewarding career in learning disabilities.

Curriculum for Learning Disability Courses

Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s(VES) mission is to offer high-quality, comprehensive course content, a mission exemplified in the Diploma in Learning Disabilities Course (LD). This course is meticulously designed to equip students with the understanding and skills needed to identify, evaluate, and support children with learning disabilities.

The Curriculum for Learning Disability Courses offered by VES unfolds as follows:

MODULE I: Exploring the World of Children with Special Needs

  • Typical Developmental Trajectories in Children
  • Addressing Children with Special Needs
  • Grasping Learning Disabilities
  • Detection of Children with Learning Disabilities

MODULE II: Learning Disabilities: Dissecting Characteristics, Indications, and Varieties

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dysgraphia
  • Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
  • Visual Processing Disorder
  • Dyspraxia

MODULE III: Evaluation and Intervention Approaches

  • Evaluation: Understanding its Meaning, Aims, and Procedures
  • Spectrum of Assessment Methods
  • Teacher-Specific Intervention Techniques
  • Intervention Schemes for Children with Learning Disabilities
  • Parent-Friendly Intervention Techniques
  • Focused Intervention Strategies for Reading, Writing, and Mathematics

MODULE IV: Embracing Inclusive Education

  • Appreciating the Role of Inclusive Education
  • Behavioral Adjustment Techniques for Children with Learning Disabilities
  • The Role of Assistive Technology
  • Techniques for Curriculum Adaptation and Modification
  • Special Privileges and Concessions for Children with Learning Disabilities
  • Adaptive Teaching Methods
  • The Integral Role of Parents in Inclusive Education

Graduates of this comprehensive Learning Disabilities Course will depart VES equipped with a solid understanding of learning disabilities, assessment and intervention strategies, and the principles of inclusive education.

Contact our course coordinator @ 9321024137 / 9869866277  for further details

For Downloading the brochure click here

Dyslexia Specialist Courses

Source: english

Dyslexia Specialist Courses

At Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES), we understand the pivotal role that educators play in the journey of students, particularly those with unique learning profiles like dyslexia. VES’s “Dyslexia Specialist Courses” are carefully crafted with an approach that blends theory with practical exposure to develop empowered dyslexia specialists. It aims to equip educators with vigorous strategies to foster an inclusive learning environment, allowing each child to unlock their full potential.

By diving into these courses, you will gain:

  • Comprehensive understanding of dyslexia: Its signs, symptoms, and variations.
  • Mastery of effective teaching strategies that accommodate the dyslexic learner.
  • Skills to develop tailored teaching plans that address the individual needs of dyslexic students.
  • Hands-on experience through case studies, fostering practical understanding.
  • Familiarity with advanced assistive technologies designed for dyslexic learners.

VES is committed to creating an inclusive world where every student has access to quality education. By training in the specialist courses in Dyslexia, you are investing in this vision, helping every learner flourish.

Special Education Teacher Courses

Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES), believes that every child deserves the highest quality of education, regardless of their unique learning requirements. VES’s Special Education Teacher Courses are meticulously designed to empower educators with the comprehensive skills needed to guide children with diverse learning needs.

Delving deep into the tenets of special education, VES enables aspiring teachers to create inclusive learning environments that foster holistic development. Its globally recognized courses imbue a deeper understanding of various learning disabilities, allowing teachers to design adaptable learning strategies. Remember, equipping educators today lays the foundation for a more inclusive and understanding society tomorrow.

The Special Education Courses cover:

  • Comprehensive understanding of diverse learning needs.
  • Techniques for creating an inclusive classroom environment.
  • Strategies to adapt the curriculum to suit individual learning styles.
  • Practical skills to deal with learning disabilities.
  • Insight into legislation and policy concerning special education.
  • Proficiency in using assistive technology in special education.

Shadow Teacher Courses

In the dynamic educational sphere, Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) takes the lead by introducing innovative and valuable courses like ‘Shadow Teacher Courses.’ These courses encapsulate the concept of personalized learning, fostering a supportive learning environment for students with specific educational needs.

As one of the leading educational institutions, VES offers a comprehensive Shadow Teacher Course designed to equip educators with the necessary skills to act as shadow teachers effectively. The course delves into pedagogical strategies and psychology, transforming teachers into pillars of support for students who require additional assistance.

At VES, we believe that education is not a one-size-fits-all journey, but rather a path tailored to individual abilities and potentials. It is with this belief that VES has curated the Shadow Teacher Courses.

  • Comprehensive coursework covering essential shadow teacher skills.
  • Focus on both theory and practical understanding.
  • Professional tutors with vast experience.
  • Interactive learning modules.
  • Certification recognized globally.
  • Flexible learning options including online and distance learning.
  • Continuous assessment and feedback to ensure effective learning.

Call here at 9321024137 / 9869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

For Downloading the brochure click here

Research-Based Instructional Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities

Source: altread

Research-Based Instructional Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities

Research-Based Instructional Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities are important to implement.

Multisensory Instruction:

This approach engages multiple senses (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) to enhance learning. It can involve using manipulatives, incorporating gestures or movements, and providing visual aids or graphic organizers to help students understand and retain information.

Explicit Instruction:

This strategy involves clearly and systematically teaching specific skills or concepts, breaking them down into smaller steps, and providing direct and explicit explanations. It helps students with learning disabilities by providing them with structured and organized instruction.

Differentiated Instruction:

Recognizing that students with learning disabilities have diverse needs, differentiated instruction involves tailoring teaching methods, materials, and assessments to meet individual student’s strengths, interests, and learning styles. This approach promotes inclusivity and accommodates various learning needs within a classroom.

Strategy Instruction:

Teach students explicit strategies for learning, problem-solving, and self-regulation. For example, provide instruction on how to use mnemonic devices, note-taking strategies, or self-monitoring techniques. These strategies can help students become more independent learners and compensate for their learning difficulties.

Peer-Assisted Learning:

Pairing students with learning disabilities with typically developing peers can be beneficial. Peer tutors can provide additional support, clarify concepts, and engage in collaborative learning activities. This approach fosters social interaction, builds relationships, and promotes positive academic outcomes.

Assistive Technology:

Utilize assistive technology tools and devices to support students with learning disabilities. These may include text-to-speech software, speech recognition software, graphic organizers, or apps designed for specific learning needs. Assistive technology can enhance access to information, improve productivity, and facilitate independent learning.

Scaffolded Instruction:

Gradually reduce support as students gain skills and confidence. Use scaffolding techniques such as modelling, guided practice, and gradually fading support to promote independent learning. This approach helps students with learning disabilities build skills incrementally and become more self-reliant.

Regular Progress Monitoring:

Consistently monitor students’ progress to identify their strengths and areas that need improvement. Use formative assessments and progress monitoring tools to collect data and adjust instructional strategies accordingly. Regular feedback and ongoing assessment help inform instructional decisions and ensure that students are making progress.

Remember, instructional strategies should be tailored to the individual needs of each student with learning disabilities. Collaboration with special education professionals and ongoing professional development can further support effective teaching practices for students with learning disabilities.

Supporting Dyslexia in the Classroom

Supporting students with dyslexia in the classroom requires a combination of understanding their unique learning needs and implementing appropriate strategies.

Below are the ideas for Supporting Dyslexia in the Classroom.

  • Increase awareness about dyslexia.
  • Assess, observe and interact with parents for early identification of dyslexia to provide immediate support.
  • Encourage the use of multiple senses in teaching to reinforce learning.
  • Structured and Sequential Instruction: Provide clear and organized instructions, breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Use visual organizers, checklists, and timelines to help students understand and follow instructions.
  • Assistive Technology: Incorporate assistive technology tools that can aid students with dyslexia. Text-to-speech software, speech recognition tools, and dyslexia-friendly fonts can support reading, writing, and organization skills.
  • Reading Support: Offer reading interventions tailored to the needs of students with dyslexia. Structured literacy programs, phonics instruction, and explicit teaching of decoding strategies can be beneficial.
  • Note-Taking Assistance: Provide students with dyslexia with copies of lecture notes or allow them to use assistive technology for note-taking. This helps them focus on listening and understanding the content without being overly burdened by writing or spelling.
  • Extra Time and Accommodations: Grant students with dyslexia extra time for exams, assignments, and activities as needed. Consider providing alternative forms of assessment that assess their knowledge and skills effectively, such as oral presentations or projects.
  • Organization and Study Skills: Teach students organizational techniques, including using planners, colour-coding materials, and breaking down assignments into manageable chunks. Help them develop effective study strategies, such as creating summaries or using flashcards.
  • Motivate students with dyslexia to express their requirements to the teachers and teach them strengths, weaknesses and learning needs.
  • Create a positive and supportive classroom environment in which the children with dyslexia feel safe and valued. Encourage peer collaboration, provide constructive feedback and celebrate their achievements.
  • Work closely with teachers, therapists, and other specialists to design Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for children with dyslexia.

Learning Disability courses Kerala

Excited about learning differently? Do the online or distance Learning Disability Courses in Kerala from Vidhyanidhi Education Society, Mumbai today!

Want to know more details Please call at 9321024137 / 9869866277.

To read the brochure click here.


SPLD, or Specific Learning Disabilities, are addressed in Vidhyanidhi Education Society's Learning Disability Course.

Learners with special needs are individuals who require customized support due to various learning differences.

ADHD is a behavioral disorder, not a learning disability. Learning disabilities involve difficulty with specific academic skills.

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