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What is Attention Deficit Disorder?

What is Attention Deficit Disorder?

What is Attention Deficit Disorder?

Source: sattvam

What is Attention Deficit Disorder?

Attention Deficit Disorder is a psychological problem affecting the normal functioning of a child, like paying attention, limited social interaction, impulsive behavior, and much more. It can be a lifelong journey but with therapies and proper medication these conditions can improve.

Children with ADD are socially inactive and appreciate being alone or surrounded by fewer people. ADD and ADHD are interrelated to each other as in ADHD, a child seems to be hyperactive and displaying impulsive behaviors along with difficulties in maintaining attention.

Following are some of the symptoms seen in children with ADD or ADHD:

  •  Consistent difficulty in sustaining attention in tasks or playing activities.
  • Frequent daydreaming or seeming “lost in their world.”
  • Fails to follow instructions given by adults to complete a task, activity, or school homework.
  • Disorganization and forgetfulness in daily activities.
  • Avoiding tasks or activities that involve mental efforts.

These symptoms are noticeable and may occur quite frequently. Parents need to intervene immediately as these symptoms become evident because early detection and diagnoses can help lead to better support and strategies to help children with ADD thrive in their everyday lives.

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How is Assessment for Attention Deficit Disorder done?

Source: advenium

How is Assessment for Attention Deficit Disorder done?

To manage any psychological condition or disorder effectively, diagnosing is very important. It can involve numerous tests, observations, and assessments at different levels. This process of assessment is exhaustive and individualized and is conducted by professional healthcare personnel like psychologists or therapists. Diagnosis is made according to the symptoms exhibited by a child.

The assessment for attention deficit disorder includes the following:

Physical Examination

The very first step in diagnosing ADD is a complete physical check-up according to the symptoms noted to identify what type of disorder is prevailing and what treatments and medication will be suitable.

Interviews and Observations

These are conducted with both the individual and close contacts like family members or teachers. The purpose is to gather comprehensive information about the individual’s behavior patterns, social interactions, and academic performance. Key aspects include observing how the individual behaves in different settings and understanding their developmental history.

Psychological Assessment

Psychologists perform certain tests and evaluate the cognitive functioning of the brain and emotional intelligence of a child. Various contributing to the symptoms of ADD are detected through psychological examination which helps in proper management.

Assessing daily functioning

Understanding how symptoms impact daily routine is crucial. It includes close observation of the child while he/she performs certain tasks and interaction with family members.

What are the Add Causes?

Source: media

Screening Scales and Checklists

There are several standardized tools and questionnaires used in assessing ADD. These scales are designed to measure the frequency and severity of symptoms related to attention deficit disorder. Common tools include the Conners Scale, Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Teacher Rating Scale, and the ADHD Rating Scale-IV.

Accurate diagnosis and understanding of ADD are essential for effective management and support, helping individuals with ADD to navigate their challenges more effectively.

To join Vidhyanidhi’s Diploma in Special Education Needs course, call on +919321024137 / +919869866277.

To download the brochure, of course, click here.

What are the ADD Causes?

Awareness and understanding of ADD causes are very critical not only for teachers but also for parents to provide  effective management and appropriate support.

Though the exact ADD Causes still not known completely, the study suggests a combination of neurobiological imbalance, environmental factors, or genetics can be the main reason for developing attention deficit disorder among children.

  • Neurobiological factors are at the forefront of ADD causes. Studies indicate that differences in brain structure and function, particularly in areas responsible for attention and impulse control, are common in individuals with ADD.
  • A chemical imbalance occurs in neurotransmitters which affects the brain cells and leads to attention deficit and hyper impulsiveness.
  • Genetics also plays a significant role in ADD causes. Genes inherited by parents, and grand-parents can also become the cause of ADD, sometimes a close family
  • Brain injuries or conditions affecting brain development, either in utero or after birth, can be among add causes. Though less common, injuries to the brain, especially those affecting the frontal lobe responsible for controlling impulses and attention, can lead to symptoms of ADD.
  • Environmental factors can also contribute to ADD, such as exposure to certain toxins or intake of substances like alcohol, and tobacco during pregnancy can cause serious effects on the fetus.

Are there any Courses for Managing Attention Deficit Disorder?

Source: expresshealthcare

Are there any Courses for Managing Attention Deficit Disorder?

Yes! there are specialized courses for managing Attention Deficit disorder available. A diploma in special needs is offered by the Vidhyanidhi Education Society -VES is an insightful course providing thorough knowledge about ADD/ADHD and various ways to handle them effectively.

This course is meticulously designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills for managing Attention Deficit Disorder, among other special needs.

Here’s a detailed look at what each module offers:

Module I: Inclusive Education – Importance, Adaptation, Provisions & Certification

This module lays the foundation for understanding the importance of inclusive education. It discusses how adaptations can be made in teaching methodologies and learning environments to cater to children with Attention Deficit Disorder. The module also delves into the provisions needed for successful inclusion and the certification process, highlighting the significance of recognizing and addressing the unique needs of students with ADD.

Module II: Understanding Various Special Needs in Children

This module helps to understand and differentiate between various disorders and prepare strategies accordingly to target and improve a particular area.

Module III: Fostering Various Areas of Development

This module gives knowledge of holistic development which includes cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development in children. It emphasizes the use of strategies in the areas that require more support and interventions to ensure the complete growth of a child.

Module IV: Adaptive Skills & Autism, ADHD, LD

The final module addresses the intersection of Attention Deficit Disorder with other conditions like Autism, ADHD, and Learning Disabilities (LD). It covers adaptive skills that are crucial for managing Attention Deficit Disorder effectively. The module provides practical knowledge on how to adapt teaching methods and learning environments to meet the diverse needs of children with ADD.

With its detailed and structured modules, VES’s course content on Special Education stands as a beacon of hope and guidance for those seeking to make a positive impact in the field of special education, particularly in managing Attention Deficit Disorder.

Managing Attention Deficit Disorder requires a dedicated approach, and the Diploma in Special Education Needs course is an excellent pathway for acquiring the required expertise.

Transform lives with ADD knowledge! Join Vidhyanidhi’s Diploma in Special Education Needs course today!!

To join VES’s amazing courses on Special Education Call or WhatsApp at +919321024137 / +919869866277.

To download the brochure, of course, click here.

What is Attention Deficit Disorder


Behavioral therapy, organizational strategies, and medication are some of the treatments that can be applied to ADHD children.

ADD cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be managed effectively with treatment and support.

ADD typically starts in early childhood, often diagnosed around age 7, but symptoms can appear earlier.

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