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How to Identify Delayed Milestones in Childhood?

How to Identify Delayed Milestones in Childhood?

How to Identify Delayed Milestones in Childhood?

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How to Identify Delayed Milestones in Childhood?

Early Childhood is a crucial yet significant in any child’s life which lays down the foundation for the major development of the brain, cognitive skills and socio-emotional skills. As we all know various developmental domains of a child are inter-related if there is any issue with one domain the other areas of development also get affected. During this period the child attains different developmental milestones that are benchmarks to assess if there is any kind of academic gaps or any behavioral disorders. For e.g. crawling is a important milestone that sets the pace for walking in motion. Small milestones are the essential first foundational blocks on which the overall well-being of the child is based.

Having said that every child is a unique individual whose pace of progress will not be similar to any other child. So, when there is a delay in a milestone achieving there is a rising concern to understand of there is any underlying problem that needs to be addressed.

Getting an early diagnostic assessment on recognition of the symptoms can be extremely beneficial to fasten the process of implementing remedial interventions based on the areas of concern in which the child is facing issues.

Once the interventions begin coupled with varied strategic teaching methods the child’s morale gets a big boost instilling in him the confidence to acquire education in a regular classroom along with his classmates.

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What are Delayed Milestones Symptoms?

Source: istockphoto

What are Delayed Milestones Symptoms?

As discussed, earlier milestones are indicators to assess if there is any disorder with the child that is hindering his progress. The term delayed milestone can be alarming for the educators, parents as they fear that the child is facing a developmental delay which might hamper his progress affecting his overall personality. The delayed milestones symptoms can be figured out in the form of symptoms when the child is incapable to perform activities which they are supposed to at a particular age.

Knowledge of Delayed Milestones is a must as it helps to execute different formal assessment that determine if there is any issue with the child and accordingly the desired academic support can be provided to help him attain his real potential.

Below are detailed descriptions of symptoms associated with delayed milestones:

Physical delays

Young babies are said to have a gross motor delay when certain gross motor milestones do not appear as per the prescribed age. A significant milestone includes moving by lifting their buttocks or crawling on the ground which is the first step towards movement that progresses into walking.

Fine motor challenges

When the challenges are more to do with fine motor skills of the child, where eye-hand coordination is involved, using the fingers is involved, it implies a fine motor delay.

For e.g, when the child cannot bring his fingers to his mouth, it hints at a fine motor milestone delay.

Communication and Language delays

When the child does not show any sign of babbling by the age of 15 months, there can be a reasonable possibility of a delayed communication milestone. Child may not speak, struggles to complete his words, fails to understand simple instructions, and can be signs of speech delays.

Cognition Skills Milestones delays.

Challenges in thinking and problem-solving may appear as difficulty recognizing patterns, completing puzzles, or understanding cause-and-effect relationships. A child may also seem to forget instructions or previously learned skills more often than expected for their age.

Social skill concerns

When there are visible symptoms of the child not being able to connect and interact well with the caregivers, child does not enjoy the company of friends, child fails to make sense of facial expressions that deters them from forming friendships these imply towards the child facing some delay in social development restricting the child from participating in group settings.

Development of the child is a huge arena which includes various domains of physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, and developmental milestones, which are the benchmarks for the growth of the child. Knowing that the child is facing a developmental delay can be extremely concerning for the parents, but however, the application of different proven strategies and therapies can help the child to thrive naturally and catch up with their classmates.

With the help of appropriate support, the child gains the necessary confidence to do his best and strive a bit more to attain his true potential.

What is Early Intervention?

Source: istockphoto

What is Early Intervention?

Early Intervention refers to the various tailored approaches and strategies that are devised and implemented for children who have been formally diagnosed with any learning disorder.

These intervention programs are essential to offer the right academic and social support to children that helps to bridge any gaps and enables children to acquire education in a regular classroom without being looked down upon.

Here are the key aspects of early intervention:

Early identification

When the symptoms are recognised at an early stage it helps to prevent any further damage as getting an early diagnosis helps to identify the exact disorder. Once the disorder is known the educators along with the therapists can administer the IEP including the teaching methods and tactics that align with the learning preferences of the child.

Tailored approach

One must understand that even if two children have the same learning or behavioral disorder, the severity of the condition will always differ, which implies that their needs can be different. Therefore, formulating a customized approach based on the child’s needs helps to find solutions for the real areas that need attention and offer academic aid accordingly.

Family involvement

A critical element of early intervention is including parents and caregivers. Families learn approaches and methods to upkeep their child’s development at home, confirming a steady and compassionate environment that strengthens progress made during therapy sessions.

Positive impact

As per the research, a child’s milestones can be greatly influenced by early intervention, which can help them hurdle the challenges, obtain vital skills, and reduce the long-term impact of delays. Children are further likely to show developmental signs and do well in later life if difficulties are addressed initially.

Preliminary intervention plays a vital role in shaping a child’s millstone, providing the assistive tools and resources necessary to help them attain their full potential.

Education for Special Needs Students -Issues Relating to the Provisions and Practices?

Source: brookings

Education for Special Needs Students -Issues Relating to the Provisions and Practices?

An inclusive society can be of great help to create awareness about the various challenges faced by Children with Special Needs. By promoting and spreading awareness about Special Education children with special needs also get the benefits and concessions that they are entitled to with less trouble. For this to happen, each of these issues — racism, funding inequities, and restorative justice, amongst others must be addressed so that every child has the opportunity for a high-quality education tailored to his or her specific needs.

Here are some common concerns in this area:

Lack of resources

Many schools struggle with limited resources, like proficient special educators, assistive technologies, and appropriate infrastructure, which are important for supporting special needs students effectively.

Insufficient teacher training

Educators often lack specialized training to handle the various needs of special students, leading to gaps in their skill to provide customized support and nurture meaningful learning skills.

Inconsistent policies

Education guidelines for kids with special needs change significantly, resulting in differences in the quality of service. Some schools may have strong programs, while others may not satisfy even the most basic needs.

Social stigma

Although growing awareness, special needs students frequently face social judgement, which can delay their ability to participate in mainstream classrooms and interact with their group.

Inadequate parental support

Parents of special needs children are always in the state of denial in the beginning not willing to accept what the diagnosis says and thereby not following the instructions that hampers the child’s journey even more.

Vidhyanidhi Education Society (Govt. Regd.) is a notable Institute that has initiated a top-notch Special Education Program that equips trainees to acquire crucial skills and knowledge that helps to bridge the academic gaps restricting the child’s progress.These programs make an important step to increasing the quality of education for all children by providing a supportive environment.

Boost your teaching skills with Vidhyanidhi Education Society SEN Course. Transform lives today!

For details related to the Certificate in SEN Course, Call / Whatsapp on +919321024137 / +919869866277.

Click Here, to download the Certificate in SEN Course brochure!


The purpose of Special Education Needs is to understand the exclusive learning needs of the child and offer the desired academic aid by planning lessons in the preferred learning style.

See a paediatrician or specialist if your kid is not meeting developmental goals so that they can monitor their progress and, if necessary, investigate initial intervention replacements.

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