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Diploma in Special Education in Delhi

Diploma in Special Education in Delhi

Diploma in Special Education in Delhi

Source: observatory

Diploma in Special Education in Delhi

Recognizing the profound impact of dedicated educators in the lives of special-needs children, the “Diploma Special Education in Delhi” equips aspiring teachers with the required skills and knowledge to foster inclusive and supportive learning environments.

Vidhaynidhi Education Society is a notable teacher training institute whose online and distance special education needs course curriculum is meticulously designed to ensure a clear understanding of the strategies necessary to address the unique challenges and possibilities of special education.

As we explore this exceptional program further, we will delve into its aims, advantages, and its remarkable contributions to the field of special education.

Table of Content

Careers in Special Education

Source: sleepdunwoody

Careers in Special Education

Completing a Special Education Needs Course offers a gateway to a myriad of rewarding and fascinating job prospects. It grants the flexibility to serve a variety of communities in diverse environments.

The following are some of the sought-after careers in Special Education:

Remedial Instructor

This role involves early detection of children with special needs, devising educational plans, and collaborating with teachers, parents, and other staff to ensure tailored learning for these children in inclusive schools.

Home-Based Remedial Tutor

Such tutors provide personal assistance to children, bridging their academic gaps, especially in areas like literacy, numeracy, and life skills.

Team Member with Therapists

Special educators collaborate with professionals like physiotherapists, psychologists, and speech therapists, addressing specific areas of concern for a child’s development.

Special Education Consultant

These professionals assist teachers in adjusting regular curriculums and planning intervention programs for parents and guardians.

Rehabilitation Centre Educator

They facilitate conceptual learning for children and work alongside parents and teachers using innovative learning interventions.

Business Owner

Establishing a personal center to aid children with special needs to gain independence and mainstream schooling.

NGO Worker

Special educators in NGOs focus on assessing a child’s abilities and formulating suitable teaching plans.

Shadow Teacher

They promote inclusive education by providing personalized teaching to children with special needs.

Call here at 9321024137 / 9869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

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SEN Qualifications Online

Seeking a Special Educator certification while juggling professional and personal commitments has been made easy by Vidhyanidhi Education Society by presenting an innovative solution with their Diploma in Special Education Courses Online.

Check out the remarkable features of the SEN Qualifications Online:

Flexible Learning

This self-paced online course allows trainees to learn at their convenience and preferred pace.

Globally Recognized

Obtain a special education certification accepted worldwide, opening doors to teaching opportunities across the globe.

Certification without “ONLINE”

Although the course is conducted online, the word “ONLINE” does not appear on the certificate, making it equivalent to a regular mode of study.

Affordable Fees

Avail quality education at a pocket-friendly cost, ensuring accessibility for everyone.

Cost-Saving Advantage

Say goodbye to daily commutes and save on transportation expenses, time, and energy.

Convenient Delivery

Study materials, communication, and even the certificate are conveniently delivered to your doorstep.

Fast Track Option

The special education course can be finished before a year with the special fast-track mode.

Special Education Course Duration

Source: wellrootedpediatrics

Special Education Course Duration

Special Education Course Duration can be understood as below:

  • The course is specially designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills to cater to children with special educational needs.
  • With the FAST TRACK mode, you can optimize your time and complete the course in less than a year.
  • This mode provides the opportunity to attain your certification swiftly, allowing for faster career advancement.

Special Needs Teacher Qualifications

The Special Needs Teacher Qualifications are as follows:

  • The aspirant should possess a bachelor’s degree in any subject area, awarded by an accredited institution.
  • Completion of a diploma program in Nursing is also an added advantage for the aspirant.
  • Please note that the bachelor’s degree will provide you with the necessary foundation in education and pedagogical principles, while the nursing diploma will equip you with the skills required to handle medical emergencies and health-related issues in students.

Starting Salary for Special Education Teacher

The Starting Salary for Special Education Teacher is as follows:

  • As understanding and acceptance of Inclusive Education grows, we see a surge in the need for teachers specialized in Special Education.
  • The starting salary for special education teacher usually falls between 1 and 2.5 lakhs per annum.
  • Holding an online diploma in Special Education in Delhi can significantly boost your employability and potential income.
  • Plus, the addition of job perks and potential advancement can further enhance the financial attractiveness of this profession.

Distance Learning and Special Education

The combination of Distance Learning and Special Education is perfect for those who are eager to venture into special education, but are held back by time or location constraints. Vidhyanidhi Education Society offers a comprehensive and job-oriented Diploma in Special Education through distance learning.

The features include:

  • Convenient doorstep delivery of learning materials.
  • Globally recognized certification.
  • Assured assistance for 100% job placement.
  • Provision of internship position letter.

Call or Whatsapp at +9321024137 / +9198698 66277 for more details.

For Downloading the brochure click here

Why Special Education is Important?

Source: familypsychologyplace

Why Special Education is Important?

Special education is important for several reasons:

Inclusive Education:

Students with disabilities or special needs are guaranteed equal access to school via special education. It encourages inclusive teaching methods and makes sure that all students, irrespective of their aptitudes, have the chance to learn from and flourish alongside their classmates.

Individualized Support:

Each special education needs student in a normal classroom receives Individualised attention and support from the special educator to help them succeed. It’s based on the idea that individual students need unique plans, methods of education, and tools to reach their full academic potential.

Addressing Learning Challenges:

Special education identifies and addresses learning challenges early on. Individualised education programmes (IEPs) are developed after pupils are evaluated to ascertain their areas of strength and improvement. This aids pupils in overcoming challenges and learning vital social, intellectual, and life skills.

Equal Opportunities:

Through these inclusive educational opportunities, students with special needs are offered the same opportunities as their typically developing peers. With the right treatments, assistive technology, and special education, it hopes to level the playing field for children with exceptional needs.

Development of emotional and social skills:

Special education provides a stimulating environment for special needs children where the special educators encourage the special needs children to socialize and participate in group activities which build their emotional well-being, confidence and self-worth.

Rights in Special Education:

Special Education has created awareness of the rights of special needs children in inclusive education. Special educators work as supporters of special needs children and their families.

Promoting Diversity and Acceptance:

Integration of special education into regular classrooms encourages pupils to value and respect others who are different from themselves. It’s an important first step towards making a society one in which differences are celebrated rather than feared.

Special education is crucial because it allows students with disabilities or special needs to participate in mainstream classrooms, get tailored support, and feel included. Important because it teaches individuals to advocate for themselves in the classroom and beyond. People can gain greater independence as a result.

Who is Known as the Father of Special Education?

The father of special education is often attributed to Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard. Itard was a French physician who lived from 1774 to 1838. Although he is primarily known for his work with a boy named Victor, also known as the “Wild Boy of Aveyron,” Itard made significant contributions to the field of special education.

Itard’s work with Victor was groundbreaking at the time. Victor was a wild boy who’d spent a lot of time in the woods by himself. Itard fostered his linguistic and social growth after taking him in. Itard’s methods included sensory and language training, as well as physical exercises. His efforts with Victor laid the foundation for future developments in special education.

Although Itard is often regarded as the pioneer in the subject of special education, many others deserve credit for their efforts. People like Samuel Gridley Howe, Maria Montessori, and Jean-Marc-Seguin are examples of those who fall under this category.

Contact our course coordinator @ +919869866277 / +9321024137 for further details

For Downloading the brochure click here

What Is the Need for Teacher Training for Special Education?

Source: reekooz

What Is the Need for Teacher Training for Special Education?

Teacher training for special education is essential for several reasons:

Special Needs Understanding:

Special education students often have unique learning needs and abilities. Teacher training for special education provides a deeper understanding of these differences and how to accommodate them effectively. This might include learning about specific disabilities, conditions, or learning styles.

Development of Skills and Strategies:

It equips teachers with the practical skills and strategies needed to cater to these students’ unique needs. This includes methods for differentiating instruction, managing behaviours, and developing individualized education programs (IEPs).

Lawful Information:

Teacher training for special education provides special educators with the appropriate knowledge about the lawful information regarding legalities involved in special education. This helps educators to assist special needs children with the services they are eligible for.

Emotional Understanding and Empathy:

The emotional and social growth of children with exceptional needs is frequently hindered. Special education training helps teachers better understand these challenges, leading to greater empathy and effectiveness in supporting emotional development.

Collaborative Skills:

Collaboration among specialists (such as psychologists, SLPs, and social workers) is commonplace in special education. Teachers with special education training are more equipped to contribute to this collaborative effort.

Inclusion and Diversity:

Better opportunities for students of all backgrounds and abilities may result from teachers with special education training. Teachers may learn to adapt their lessons so that they are accessible to pupils of varying levels.

Parents Communication:

Teachers of kids with exceptional needs must often interact with their families and other caretakers. Special education teacher training can provide strategies for effective communication and collaboration with families.

In conclusion, educating and supporting kids with special needs requires trained educators who have the requisite knowledge, abilities, and compassion to do so. The resulting classroom is better able to meet the requirements of students with a broader diversity of skills and backgrounds.

If you are a passionate aspirant from Delhi or any part of the globe still you can fulfil your ambition of being a special educator by getting admission to Vidhaynidhi Education Society’s Online programs like Diploma in Special Education in Delhi and pave the future of special education.

Diploma Special Education in Delhi

For enrolment process and course particulars call VES at 9321024137 / 9869866277.

For the brochure click here and get all the details.


Phonics is a method used to teach reading and writing, linking sounds (phonemes) and the symbols that represent them (graphemes).

Learn phonics by associating letters with their sounds, practice sounding out words, and using educational resources like flashcards or apps.

Enroll in VES's Phonics Program to become a qualified phonics teacher. It provides comprehensive training to teach phonics effectively.

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