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Importance of Remedial Teaching

Importance of Remedial Teaching

Importance of Remedial Teaching

Source: familypsychologyplace

Importance of Remedial Teaching

In the evolving landscape of education, Remedial Teaching has emerged as an important factor in ensuring an inclusive and comprehensive learning environment for all students.

Let’s dive into the importance of Remedial Teaching

Table of Content

  • Tailored Learning Approach
  • Learning Gaps
  • Boosting Confidence
  • Promoting Inclusivity
  • Future Learning Issues
  • Enhancing the Teacher-Student Relationship
  • Encourages Active Learning
  • Developing Essential Skills
  • Strengthening Foundational Knowledge
  • Developing Persistence and Resilience
  • Promoting Lifelong Learning
  • Special Education Courses in India

Tailored Learning Approach

Source: reekooz

Tailored Learning Approach

One of the major goal of Remedial teaching is about personalization, acknowledging that each child learns in their own distinctive way. It understands that a one-size-fits-all approach is ineffective. Remedial education adopts a tailored learning approach. This involves creating personalized learning plans that cater to each student’s specific needs and strengths. For example, a student struggling with reading may receive targeted interventions and resources tailored to enhance their reading skills. By customizing the learning experience, remedial teaching ensures that each student receives the support necessary to thrive academically.

Learning Gaps

Remedial teaching aims to bridge learning gaps by providing targeted assistance to students. For instance, if a student is struggling with multiplication, the remedial tutor identifies this area of difficulty and implements specific strategies to support the student understand and master the concept. This focused approach effectively addresses the learning gap.

Boosting Confidence

Struggling academically can dent a child’s self-confidence. Remedial teaching helps children in boosting confidence, by addressing the root cause of these struggles, helps students regain their confidence. They get a more optimistic outlook on learning as they begin to comprehend the subjects they formerly deemed challenging. For example, when a child with dyslexia receives targeted reading interventions and starts to comprehend challenging texts, their confidence in their reading abilities soars. They develop more optimistic outlook on learning.

Promoting Inclusivity

Remedial instruction plays a crucial role in promoting inclusivity in the classroom. It involves acknowledging and respecting the diverse learning demands and styles of students. Through targeted remedial instruction, additional assistance is provided to students who require it, ensuring that no student is left behind.

Call here at +919321024137 / +919869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

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Future Learning Issues

Remedial instruction aims to avoid future learning issues in addition to resolving present ones. By intervening at the right time, remedial teaching can prevent minor learning issues from becoming major roadblocks in a child’s academic journey. For example, if a child struggles with basic math concepts, providing targeted remedial instruction early on can help them build a strong foundation and avoid future difficulties in advanced math topics.

Enhancing the Teacher-Student Relationship

Remedial Teaching works on Enhancing the Teacher-Student Relationship, One-on-one or smaller group sessions are a key component of remedial education, allowing teachers to forge a more personal and intimate bond with their students. Respect for one another’s strengths and limits may help teachers and students establish a more productive learning environment.

Encourages Active Learning

Source: salud-america

Encourages Active Learning

Interactive teaching techniques are often used in remedial education that encourages active learning among students. For example, using hands-on experiments in science or group discussions in literature can make studying more interesting and enjoyable for students. These interactive techniques capture their attention, deepen their understanding and retention of the subject matter.

Developing Essential Skills

Remedial teaching goes beyond academics it helps in Developing Essential Skills. Like when met with a complex math problem, students are encouraged to analyze, organize and come up with solutions. These skills help in their academic success and prepare them to face challenges beyond the classroom.

Strengthening Foundational Knowledge

Remedial teaching emphasizes strengthening foundational knowledge. Teachers revisit basic concepts to ensure students fully understand them before moving on to more complex topics. This approach reinforces learning and helps students to better grasp new information.

Developing Persistence and Resilience

Students are urged to take on obstacles head-on in remedial instruction which helps in developing persistence and Resilience. They learn that it’s alright to make errors as long as you learn from them and keep trying, which fosters a never-give-up mentality. This nurturing of persistence and resilience is crucial for their overall development.

Promoting Lifelong Learning

Remedial teaching helps in promoting lifelong learning among students to understand their own learning styles and equips them with techniques to overcome their difficulties. This self-awareness fosters a positive attitude towards learning and encourages them to become enduring learners.

Navigating the domain of the Importance of Remedial Teaching requires a deep understanding of its principles, strategies, and application. In response to this requirement, Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) provides extensive courses including “Special Education Course,” “Learning Disability Course,” and “Shadow Teacher Training Course. “These courses look at the advantages of remedial education and provide teachers the knowledge and tools they need to use it successfully in their classrooms. They provide inspiration for anyone who desire to utilize the power of education to improve children’s lives.

The importance of Remedial Teaching is immense, as teachers are raised by the acclaimed, government-approved Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES), a Mumbai-based NGO. Registered under the Societies’ Registration Act, 1860 and Public Trust Act, 1950, our institution offers an assortment of Teachers’ Training Courses and a specific Phonics Teachers’ Training Certificate Programme.

  • VES has cultivated expertise in preschool education and teacher training over nearly two decades.
  • We have seen thousands of teaching professionals evolve under our guidance.
  • Our alumni excel in the educational field both in India and overseas, with many venturing into the entrepreneurial world of childcare.

Call here at +919321024137 / +919869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

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Special Education Courses in India

Vidhyanidhi Education Society is known for its array of Special Education Courses in India:

One Year Diploma In Special Education

One Year Diploma in Special Education Needs offered by Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) is a comprehensive program designed for individuals passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of children with special needs. This course equips aspiring special educators with the knowledge and skills required to cater to the unique learning requirements of children with disabilities. With a focus on inclusive education, the program prepares participants to provide effective support, guidance, and educational interventions to individuals with special needs, ensuring their holistic development and inclusion in mainstream society.


  • Candidates must have completed their Graduation or its equivalent from a recognized board or university.
  • It’s critical to have a genuine passion for helping those with special needs and a commitment to their wellbeing.


It is possible to finish the course in only one academic year. For a well-rounded educational experience, it combines academic and practical elements.


Introduction to Special Education Understanding the principles, theories, and approaches in special education.
  • Inclusive education models
  • Differentiation strategies
Identification and Assessment of Special Needs
  • Common disabilities and learning difficulties
  • Assessment tools and techniques
  • Developmental and behavioral assessment
Instructional Strategies and Adaptations
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Assistive technology and resources
  • Classroom management techniques
Communication and Language Development
  • Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
  • Speech and language enhancing techniques
  • Facilitating social interaction skills
Emotional and Behavioral Support
  • Understanding challenging behaviors
  • Positive behavior support strategies
  • Emotional regulation techniques


The cost of the Diploma in Special Education Needs program will be communicated by Vidhyanidhi Education Society. Please contact the institute directly for detailed information regarding the course fee.

The Diploma in Special Education Needs offered by Vidhyanidhi Education Society equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to support children with special needs effectively. This comprehensive program prepares aspiring special educators to create inclusive learning environments, provide personalized interventions, and contribute to the overall development and well-being of individuals with disabilities. The VES certificate holds wide recognition, further enhancing career opportunities in the field of special education.

Call here at +919321024137 / +919869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

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Learning Difficulties Training

Source: bannerhealth

Learning Difficulties Training

The Diploma in Learning Difficulties Training at Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) is an intensive course designed to equip aspiring special educators with the requisite skills, knowledge, and importance of remedial teaching to effectively address learning disabilities. It aims to provide a thorough understanding of the complex and multifaceted nature of learning disabilities while equipping students with innovative teaching methodologies.

Eligibility and Qualifications

The Diploma in Learning Disability course is accessible to everyone with a minimum qualification of 10+2 from a recognized educational board. It is a great option for both beginning and seasoned instructors since it doesn’t need previous teaching experience.


Students should fulfil the academic modules over the course’s one-year duration and take advantage of internship opportunities to get practical experience.


An in-depth grasp of the many forms of learning difficulties is provided through the curriculum. Understanding Learning Disabilities, Identification and Assessment, Intervention Strategies, and Inclusive Education are just a few of the many topics it addresses. Theoretical knowledge is supplemented with practical insights to ensure students can readily apply their learning in real-world settings.


For further details about the cost of the course, potential students are encouraged to contact the VES Admissions Department directly. Our team is more than willing to assist with any inquiries about course fees and possible payment plans.

VES Certificate

The VES Diploma in Learning Disability is internationally recognized, making it an excellent credential for those aspiring to work in diverse settings worldwide. The respect shown to our alums at academic institutions throughout the world is evidence of how well recognised and valued the VES certificate is.

Make the initial move towards significantly improving the lives of people with learning difficulties. Register for the Diploma in Learning Disability course at Vidhyanidhi Education Society today and learn the Importance of Remedial Teaching.

Call here at +919321024137 / +919869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

For Downloading the brochure Click Here

Shadow Teacher Courses


Shadow Teacher Courses

Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) offers a transformative Shadow Teacher Courses. The goal of this curriculum is to provide instructors the skills and knowledge they need to support special needs students in mainstream classroom settings. Shadow teachers are crucial to inclusive education because they provide individualized assistance to students who need more help, allowing them to participate completely in all class activities and ensuring that they reach their full potential.


The beauty of this program lies in its accessibility. The Shadow Teacher Training course welcomes applicants who have successfully completed their 10th-grade exams. This low entry barrier allows a wide range of individuals interested in special education to participate in and benefit from the course.

Career Scope

A certificate in Shadow Teacher Training opens doors to a variety of career paths. The graduates of this course often find fulfilling roles in regular schools, inclusive education institutions, learning centers, and home-based programs as shadow teachers. Moreover, they also gain eligibility to work as Special Educational Needs coordinators (SENCOs), resource room teachers, or remedial educators.


The curriculum is meant to be finished in six months. This little length of time provides for a concentrated, rigorous period of study, giving students the information and abilities they need to be successful in a rather short amount of time.


The curriculum is structured to cover the various aspects of shadow teaching comprehensively. Modules cover child psychology, understanding special needs, creating inclusive learning environments, and behavior management strategies. Practical training is integral to this course, ensuring participants get hands-on experience and gain practical skills needed in real-world scenarios.


VES has strived to make this training as affordable as possible, aiming to encourage more individuals to take up this essential role in inclusive education. While specific cost information can be obtained by contacting the institution, VES ensures that the pricing structure remains competitive and value-driven.

VES Certification Recognition

On successful completion of the course, students are awarded a certificate from Vidhyanidhi Education Society. This certificate holds high value and is widely accepted across education institutions, both nationally and internationally. The certificate signifies the holder’s competency in providing quality support as a shadow teacher, reflecting their understanding of children’s diverse needs and their ability to contribute effectively to inclusive education.

Invest in your career with Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s Shadow Teacher Training course. Gain the necessary skills, knowledge, and certification to make a real difference in the lives of children with special needs.

Importance of Remedial Teaching

Join Vidhyanidhi’s special education courses—where passion meets purpose.

Call here at +919321024137 / +919869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

For Downloading the brochure Click Here


Special Education Needs (SEN) involves tailored educational strategies to assist students with disabilities. Vidhyanidhi Education Society provides an excellent course in this field.

While special education teachers' earnings can fluctuate depending on various factors, the immeasurable reward is the positive change they bring to students' lives.

To step into the role of a special education teacher, you'll usually require a bachelor's degree and further specialized education in accommodating diverse learning needs.

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