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Phonic Stories

Phonic Stories

Phonic Stories

Source: multilit

Phonic Stories

Phonic Stories have transformed language teaching by attracting children of all ages into a world where sounds and letters come to life. Phonic Stories help in creating a unique space for learning through the artistic blend of narrative and phonetics. With the adventure of new words, Phonic Stories aims to captivate and educate, making learning a delightful experience.

This enchanting fusion of educational theories with engrossing narratives ensures that reader of every age finds pleasure and significance in each tale.

Table of Content

Story of /a/

Antonette’s adventure at the park is a perfect example of Phonic Stories coming to life, focusing on the /a/ sound. As she, along with Alan, Annie, and their cat, settled for a picnic, the day was filled with /a/ sounds, from wearing a cap and hat to avoid the sun to enjoying apple pie.

The highlight was when ants unexpectedly joined, leading Annie to exclaim, “/a/-/a/, ants, on my arm!” This creative Story of /a/ not only focuses on the core of Phonic Stories but also makes learning the /a/ sound a fun experience, proving the power of Phonic Stories in teaching through engaging narratives.

Call or Whatsapp at +919869866277 / +919869546913, for more details about Phonics Course.

To download the Phonics Course brochure, Click Here!

Story of /b/

A boy named Bob bought a new bat and a ball. He was so excited to take them and go to play that he decided to skip his breakfast. On his mom Mrs. Betty’s insistence, he just took a bite from the bread and butter slice and went to the park to play.

The park was very beautiful with butterflies and birds flying around. The children played and hit the ball with the bat saying, “b/-/b/-/b/”.The ball bounced and hit the balloon man standing in the park. This is a sample Story of /b/ that can be further modified by teachers.

Story of /c/

In the heart of winter, the air buzzed with excitement at Candice and Catherine’s school, setting the stage for a memorable Christmas celebration. The sisters, known for their love of Phonic Stories, decided to bring a piece of Spanish culture to their classmates. Clad in cream-colored dresses, they danced to the rhythm of castanets, crafting a melody that went “/c/-/c/-/c/”.

Their performance, a live phonic story, enchanted the crowd, earning them rounds of applause. Captured in time by their father’s camera, these moments became unforgettable.

The celebration wrapped up with a sweet note, as they indulged in cashew cookies and cupcakes, a perfect ending to a day filled with joy and learning through Phonic Stories. This experience through the Story of /c/ not only showcased their talent but also highlighted the beauty of incorporating Phonic Stories into celebrations, making every note and step a learning journey.

Story of /d/

It was Delson’s birthday. Mom and Dad decided to throw a party for him. It was party time and Delson stood next to the door to welcome his best friends Darrel, Daisy, and Dexter. Mom served everyone chocolate doughnuts and some drinks. Delson received a lot of gifts from his friends.

There was a toy dolphin, a rubber duck, etc. Dad too gifted him a drum, a pet dog, dungarees, and a reading desk. Delson picked up the drum and started playing “/d/-/d/-/d/”.After the party, Dad took Delson for a drive and Mom washed the dishes. This is a sample Story of /d/.

Story of /e/

It was eight in the morning, and Eddie and his sister Erica were playing around to entertain themselves. Eddie pushed Erica and she fell, hurting her elbow. Eddie and Erica’s mother Elizabeth wanted to make scrambled eggs for breakfast.

So Eddie went to the market to buy some eggs and eggplant. Just next to the entrance of the shop, he saw a huge elephant having some bananas. When he came home, his mother made breakfast by cracking the eggs, “/eh/-/eh/-/eh/”. This is a Story of /e/ which can be further modified by the teachers.

Phonics Course

Source:  petaa

Story of /f/

Four friends named Flora, Flavia, Frankie, and Freddy went to a beach to have some fun on Friday. They carried along food to eat, flippers, and floating inflatable fish. While playing Flora noticed that the air started escaping from the floating fish “/fffffffff/”.

All the children ran behind the floating fish to catch it first. Freddy frowned as he was the last one to catch it. To cheer him up, his friends treated him with a candy floss. This is a Story of /f/ which can be used while teaching.

Story of /g/

A little girl named Galena lived with her grandparents in a house with a garden. On a rainy day, while she was getting back home with her friends Gabriel, Gaby, and Gary, she saw some goats grazing grass.

She was wearing a green raincoat and grey gumboots. She also carried a golden umbrella. As she opened the gate, she saw water gurgling down the drain, “/g/-/g/-/g/”. This is a sample Story of /g/, teachers can create their own stories.

Story of /h/

Summer holidays were going on. Henry, Harris, and Haden were playing on the farm. They saw hens and horses around. On a hot day, they had a hopping race up the hill which was quite a hard task. On reaching the top of the hill, Henry started panting, “/h/-/h/-/h/” by keeping his hand on his knees. To make him happy, Haden gave him a huge bottle of honey lemon cold drink. This is a sample Story of /h/.

Story of /i/

Inky, the mouse, and Iggy, the iguana were running under the table. Inky bumped into the table hard. The lid of the inkpot opened and all the ink from it fell over Inky. Inky got wet and itchy, and she squeaked, “/i/-/i/-/i/”. She injured her head as well. Ivan was in his bedroom. On hearing Inky squeak, he came out and saw that even his important papers got wet. This is a sample Story of /i/ which can be modified as per the need.

Story of /j/

Jennifer went to Aunt Juliet’s house. She was wearing a pair of her favorite jeans and her leather jacket. Aunt Juliet had made yummy jelly and jam. There was a jug of orange juice kept on the table as well. Jennifer jumped with joy and started jiggling like the jelly on the plate saying, “/j/-/j/-/j/”.Looking at her, even Aunt Juliet joined her in doing the same. This is a Story of /j/.

Call or Whatsapp at +919869866277 / +919869546913, for more details about Phonics Course.

To download the Phonics Course brochure, Click Here!

Story of /k/

Kip, the kangaroo, and Kitty, the kitten went to Kenya to visit the king and his kingdom. After traveling a few kilometers, they reached their destination. They met the king and saw many kinsmen playing football in the garden. Kip, the kangaroo ran to kick the ball. While playing, they saw a lot of kites flying in the sky, “/k/-/k/-/k/” and also insisted on flying the kites themselves. This is a Story of /k/.

Phonics Course

Source: gsehd

Story of /l/

Louis, Lucy, and Lisa decided to go to the lake for a picnic later in the evening. Louis locked his door as there was no one at home. They carried a lavender basket in their hand. There were lots of things in their basket like lemonade, lemon pie, lollipops, and lettuce sandwiches. They lit a bonfire and did a little dance around it. The children took out the lollipops and started licking them saying, “/lllllll/”. They then laughed and played around. This is a Story of /l/.

Story of /m/

It was Monday morning and mummy woke up with a loud ring at the doorbell. It was the milkman who came to deliver milk. Mummy woke Merwin and Mary up. She and Dad made multigrain mayo sandwiches, muffins, and mango milkshakes for breakfast. Looking at the yummy food, Merwin and Mary rubbed their tummy saying, “/mmmmmm/”. They quickly brushed their teeth and rinsed their mouth to have their breakfast. After eating, they went to the market with their dad to buy mushrooms and musk melons. This is a Story of /m/.

Story of /n/

A little boy named Nick lived in a beautiful nine-storeyed building with his parents. He was a very naughty child. Nick was under the responsibility of a nanny as he had working parents. His nanny, Mrs. Nora was a nice sweet lady. It was noon and after giving Nick some noodles to eat, the nanny made him sleep.

After a short nap, Nick went out with his nanny to the nearby market to buy a newspaper, a new pencil, a notebook, and a novel. As he walked along, he heard a nasty noise up in the sky. Yes! It was an aeroplane, “/nnnnnnnn/”. Nick pretended to be one with his arms open saying, ‘/nnnnnnnn/’ and zoomed in on the market. This is the Story of /n/.

Story of /o/

It was an October evening, and Oscar was watching TV at home. Dad decided to take pizza for him once he finished his office work. It got dark in the evening, so Oscar quickly switched on the lights, saying, “/o/-/o/-/o/”. He sat at home watching his favorite show on `Animal Planet’. They showed the life of an ostrich and octopus.

Finally, Dad came home and Oscar ate his pizza that had olives, cheese, oregano, and chili flakes as toppings on it and went to bed. He pulled up his orange blanket and switched off the lights saying, “/o/-/o/-/o/”. This is the Story of /o/.

Story of /p/

It was Peter’s birthday party, and the theme asked everyone to dress up as animals. His friends Patrick, Prince, Pearl, Paul, and others came to the party dressed up as a panda, penguin, peacock, pigeon, and many more. The meals included potato chips, plum cakes, pancakes, pizza and pasta. Mummy had made a yummy pie and a pink cake.

His big pink cake had lots of purple magic candles on it which needed to be puffed out as “/p/-/p/-/p/”. He puffed out the candles and received lots of presents. This is the Story of /p/.

Story of /q/

It was winter morning. Queenie slept peacefully under her quilt and did not want to go to school. Mummy Quincy woke her up as it was a Quiz Day. Queenie got ready and waited for the school bus by standing in the queue. She sat on the bus quietly and watched the boys quarrel. During the quiz session, her teacher showed her a picture of ducks and asked her a question “What sound does the duck make, Queenie?” She quickly replied, “/q/-/q/- quack”.

The teacher asked another question a boy named Quinton, “Which bird’s name starts with the letter Q?” Quinton replied, “Quail”. The last question asked to the children was “Name a place beginning with the letter Q”. None of the children was able to reply, so the teacher answered, “Queensland.” This is the Story of /q/

Story of /r/

In the heart of Roger’s cozy home, a tale of /r/ unfolds with his playful pet, Rio, by his side. On a drizzly day, when the world outside whispered with raindrops, Roger chose the warmth of indoors for a spot of tidying. Amid the soft hum of a car racing show, he found comfort on a red rug, a rag in hand, only for Rio to dash in with a vibrant “/rrrrrrrrrrrrrr/,” eager for a game.

The rag, now a token of their fun, met its fate as Rio joyfully tore through it, rolling in laughter on the floor. This phonic Story of /r/ showcases the delightful adventures that letters can lead us on, proving that learning through Phonic Stories isn’t just effective; it’s filled with moments of joy and discovery.

Call or Whatsapp at +919869866277 / +919869546913, for more details about Phonics Course.

To download the Phonics Course brochure, Click Here!

Story of /s/

It was Sunday morning. Sam and Sandy were sitting on the sofa eating some sandwiches. It was a bright sunny day. So Sam and Sandy decided to go to the garden. After spending some time strolling around in the garden, they got tired and sat down on the grass. All of a sudden, they heard a strange sound. They saw something slithering behind the stones. It was a big snake with spots on it. The snake hissed at them, “/ssssss/ -/ssssss/”. Both of them ran away as they got scared. This is the Story of /s/.

Online Phonics Classes

Source: bilingualkidspot

Story of /t/

It was Tuesday and there was an important table tennis match on television. Tom and Tia rushed back home from school in a taxi. While getting into the taxi, Tia hurt her toe. Finally, they were back home and it was time for the match to start. They took some fries and tomato ketchup to eat while watching the match. The teddy kept on the top of the table blocked the view of the match. Tom took it away and watched the two tennis players hit the ball to each other. Tom and Tia turned their heads from side to side saying, “/t/-/t/-/t/”. This is the Story of /t/.

Story of /u/

Ursula was playing and it started raining. So she took shelter under the tree. Her uncle Ulric, came with an umbrella for her. She pulled up her umbrella saying, “/u/-/u/-/u/”. Uncle Ulric and Ursula passed a pond where she said, “Look Uncle, such an ugly little duck that is!” Uncle Ulric was unhappy with Ursula’s unkind comment and told her that such statements are strictly unacceptable. This is the Story of /u/.

Story of /v/

Uncle Vic drove around the village in his van. He picked up some vegetables and violet flowers for home. His wife Vanessa wanted to decorate the vase with the flowers. He also picked a vanilla ice cream for his nephew Victor and drove back to his van making the “/vvvvvvv/” sound. Vienna, his niece, played the violin standing on the veranda. This is the Story of /v/.

Story of /w/

Willy was at home with his dog Wacko. He closed the window as it was a windy winter morning. Wacko barked, ‘Woof woof!’ Willy asked, “What is the matter, Wacko?” Wacko was very thirsty. So Willy went out to fetch water from the well. The wind was blowing very hard making a “/wwwww/” sound. Willy watched everything swaying around. He quickly fetched water and walked back home. This is the Story of /w/.

Story of /x/

It was Christmas after six days. Rex, along with his father Alex, decided to decorate his X-mas tree. He had a box of decorative items. While decorating the X-mas tree, Rex fell off the stool and hurt his hand. His father took him to Doctor X. Doctor X took an x-ray of Rex’s hand, “/ks/-/ks/-/ks/” and found it to be broken. Rex asked in shock, “Doctor! What next?” The doctor replied, “Don’t worry, Rex. I will fix it up for you!” This is the Story of /x/.

Story of /y/

It was the last month of the year. Yudy, the yak along with her friends went sailing on the river on a yacht. Yankee, her friend who wasn’t sure of coming, yelled from the shore, “Hey wait! Yes! I’m coming!” All the yaks excitedly said, “Yuppie! Yankee is here”. Yudy carried along a yo-yo to play with, yams, some yogurt, and yellow bananas. All of them ate the yummy yogurt saying, “/y/-/y/-/y/”. This is the Story of /y/.

Story of /z/

Zenia, Zara, and Zohra went through the zig-zag road to reach the zoo. Zara carried a beautiful bag with lots of zips on it. They reached there and the one animal that fascinated them was the zebra. They saw the bees flying from flower to flower. They enjoyed the buzzing sound of bees so they pretended to be like one saying, “/zzzzzzzzzz/” and zoomed in on the zoo. This is the Story of /z/.

Call or Whatsapp at +919869866277 / +919869546913, for more details about Phonics Course.

To download the Phonics Course brochure, Click Here!

Phonics Course


Online Phonics Classes

In the digital age, the quest for quality education has led many to the doorstep of online learning opportunities, and Online Phonics Classes are no exception. Among the plethora of options available, Vidhyanidhi Education Society (Govt. regd.) stands out for its innovative approach to teaching phonics online. With a curriculum designed to make learning both engaging and effective, their Online Phonics Classes have become a beacon for educators and parents alike.

Key Features of Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s (Govt. regd.) Online Phonics Classes:

18 Hours of Intensive Training

Each session is crafted to maximize learning, ensuring participants gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in phonics.

UK-based Synthetic Phonics Methodology

The classes follow the renowned UK-based Synthetic Phonics Teaching and Learning Methodology, a proven approach that enhances reading and spelling abilities.

Innovative Teaching Aids

Lectures are delivered using a variety of audio-visual teaching aids, making complex concepts accessible and engaging.

Engaging Content

Through the use of jingles, Phonic Stories, and actions, sounds are demonstrated in our Online Phonics Classes in a way that is both fun and memorable, ensuring Phonic Stories come to life.

Extensive Practice

Online Phonics Classes give participants a thorough practice of all 42 sounds and their Phonic Stories, including letter sounds and digraphs, establishing a solid foundation in phonics.

Interactive Learning

Mock drills and doubt-solving sessions, along with Q&A opportunities, encourage active participation and ensure clarity on all topics.

Online Phonics Classes like those provided by Vidhyanidhi Education Society (Govt. regd.) are revolutionizing the way phonics is taught and learned using Phonic Stories. By integrating Phonic Stories into their Phonics Course curriculum, they not only make learning more interactive but also ensure that each participant acquires a deep understanding of phonics that will serve them greatly in their educational pursuits. Whether you’re a teacher looking to heighten your skills or a parent aiming to help your child’s reading journey, these Online Phonics Classes are developed to meet a wide range of needs, making them a priceless resource in the world of education.

Join Vidhyanidhi’s course & transform reading into an adventure with Phonic Stories

Call or Whatsapp at +919869866277 / +919869546913, for more details about Phonics Course.

To download the Phonics Course brochure, Click Here!

Phonic Stories


A Phonics Story blends storytelling with phonics, using tales to illustrate sound-letter relationships, enhancing reading skills.

Examples of phonics sounds: short a (/a/ as in apple), long e (/ee/ as in tree), ch (/ch/ as in cheese), sh (/sh/ as in ship), th (/th/ as in thin).

Phonics is a method of teaching reading by relating sounds with symbols. Examples: /b/ in bat, /f/ in fish, /ai/ in rain, /ch/ in chat, /ee/ in see.

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