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What is a Shadow Teacher Job Description?

What is a Shadow Teacher Job Description?

What is a Shadow Teacher Job Description?

Source: raisingchildren

What is a Shadow Teacher Job Description?

Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes to ensure every child gets an equal opportunity in a mainstream classroom? Enter the role of a shadow teacher. A bridge, a guide, a beacon of hope – let’s explore into what makes them integral to modern-day education.

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Introduction to Shadow Teaching

Definition of a Shadow Teacher

A shadow teacher is an educational professional who provides specialized support to students with unique learning needs, ensuring they can participate effectively in a mainstream classroom setting. They’re the unsung heroes, making inclusion a reality.

The Rise of Inclusive Education

In the past, students with special requirements were often separated. Today, the focus is on inclusive education, where all tutees learn together. The idea is simple: diversity enhances, and everyone has a right to quality teaching. But how does this transition happen smoothly? That’s where the role of a shadow teacher becomes essential.

The Role of a Shadow Teacher

Responsibilities in the Classroom

A shadow teacher wears many hats. They might provide one on one assistance, adapt lesson materials, or develop strategies to manage challenging behaviors. Their main goal? Ensure their assigned student accesses the curriculum and engages with peers.

Building Strong Relationships, where the student is equipped with skills for effective communication, self regulations , meta cognitions etc. Building trust is essential, shadow teachers can model the skill to boost self confidence to build relations.

Collaborating with Mainstream Teachers

A harmonious relationship between the mainstream teacher and the shadow teacher is vital. They share insights, adapt lesson plans, and together, ensure the student’s success.

Engaging with Parents and Caregivers

Parents are the foremost stakeholders in a child’s education. Shadow teachers often liaise with them, providing updates, gathering insights, and ensuring a holistic approach to learning.

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Qualities of a Great Shadow Teacher

Source: careforaustim

Qualities of a Great Shadow Teacher

Patience and Empathy

Walking in someone else’s shoes isn’t easy. For a shadow teacher, understanding the student’s world is crucial. They need bucket loads of patience and a heart full of empathy.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Every day is different. A strategy that worked yesterday might not today. Hence, shadow teachers constantly adapt, always putting the student’s needs first.

Strong Communication Skills

Being a bridge requires impeccable communication. Shadow teachers ensure that everyone, from the student to the parents to the mainstream teacher, is on the same page.

The Impact of Shadow Teaching

Benefits for the Student

With a shadow teacher by their side, students gain confidence, skills, and the belief that they too can succeed.

Positives for the Classroom Community

Inclusion doesn’t just benefit the student with special needs. It teaches peers about diversity, empathy, and the true essence of community.

Shadow teachers, with their dedication and passion, unlock potential and redefine boundaries. They prove that with the right support, every child can shine.

Information about the STT program at VES

Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) takes immense pride in introducing its notable School Teacher Training (STT) program designed to shape passionate individuals into proficient educators.

Here’s a quick snapshot of the STT program at VES:


The program spans over a period of 6 months, ensuring comprehensive training to equip candidates with the necessary skills.


Candidates aspiring for the STT program need to have a minimum educational qualification of the 10th Class. It ensures that our program is accessible to a wide array of enthusiasts.

Salary Prospects

Upon successful completion of the course, candidates can expect a promising starting salary ranging between 8K to 15K. This showcases the lucrative potential of the profession and the value of the STT qualification from VES.

Incorporating a perfect blend of theory and practical knowledge, the STT program at VES stands out as a beacon for those who dream of making a difference in the educational realm. Join us and embark on a rewarding teaching journey!

What is a Shadow Teacher Job Description

“Join us & redefine educational excellence!”

Questions about the course? Get in touch: +919321024137 / +919869866277

Want Brochure, Click Here.


Typically, a degree in special education or related fields, along with hands-on experience.

While both support students, a shadow teacher specializes in assisting those with unique learning needs.

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