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Shadow Teachers In Bangalore

Shadow Teachers In Bangalore

Shadow Teachers In BangaloreSource: etclearning

Shadow Teachers In Bangalore

There’s an undeniable, powerful force sweeping through the educational sphere of Bangalore, one that’s redefining learning and paving new avenues for personalized education.

This emerging brigade, known as ‘Shadow Teachers in Bangalore’, is steadily changing the face of traditional schooling with a dedicated, one-on-one approach.

Rooted in empathy, equipped with expertise, and driven by a mission to illuminate the individual educational paths of children, these professionals are the unsung heroes of academia, ensuring no student is left without a substantial learning environment.

Table Of Content

Shadow Teacher MeaningSource: cdn01.alison

Shadow Teacher Meaning

The concept of Shadow Teacher Meaning can be expanded upon as follows:

  • A Shadow Teacher is a trained professional dedicated to supporting children grappling with disabilities like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Specific Learning Disability, ADHD, and behavioural problems through individualized attention.
  • Their role involves providing crucial support to children with learning disability in a conventional classroom setting.
  • The Shadow Teacher Training program is a recognized course accessible online or through remote learning for aspiring Shadow Teachers In Bangalore.
  • To be eligible for this program, the candidate must have at least completed the 10th grade.
  • Parents typically employ Shadow Teachers to facilitate the attainment of their child’s educational objectives within a mainstream school.
  • As a Shadow Educator, one must exhibit qualities of patience and the ability to establish a strong connection with the child.
  • Superior communication and impressive organizational skills form the core qualifications for this role.
  • In an encouraging trend, schools are increasingly setting up pools of Shadow Educators, helping parents in making an informed choice.
  • While Shadow Educators primarily offer their services during school hours, they can also be engaged to extend their support at home after school hours, reinforcing the child’s learning process.

Career Pathways For Shadow Teacher

While the domain of Shadow Teaching falls within a unique branch of education, its occupational opportunities are on a notable surge, primarily due to the heightened recognition and assimilation of special needs students into mainstream education.

Here’s an array of Career Pathways For Shadow Teacher that elucidate the extensive prospects of Shadow Teaching:

Inclusive Education Facilitator:

As an educated professional, you could work alongside a special needs child on an individual basis, supporting them in their daily school tasks.

After-school Instructor:

As per parental preference, you could extend the learning journey of the child post-school hours at home, acting as a remedial tutor.

Remedial Education Initiator:

As you gather sufficient experience, you could venture into establishing your own institution or sessions for interventions and therapies for children with special needs.

Non-profit Collaborator:

Shadow teaching can also lead you to collaborate with NGOs, offering support to disadvantaged children with disabilities.

In-service Training Provider:

You have the opportunity to plan and deliver training workshops for teachers to empower them to better manage children with special needs.

Teacher Education Instructor:

Shadow teaching can pave the way for roles in teacher training institutes, wherein you could train prospective teachers.

Call here at 9321024137 / 9869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

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Online Shadow Teacher TrainingSource: onlineteacherstraining

Online Shadow Teacher Training

Aspiring educators facing time limitations or other commitments can greatly benefit from Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s (VES) Online Shadow Teacher Training Course. Renowned for its quality, this course equips future professionals with essential knowledge and skills.

Here are some remarkable features of the Online Shadow Teacher Training Course at VES:

  • Enrollment at VES is hassle-free and open throughout the year.
  • The course offers affordability, complemented by a range of payment options.
  • Graduates receive a globally respected certification from VES.
  • Students gain in-depth knowledge through a wealth of practical videos focusing on methods of teaching special needs children.
  • VES provides end-to-end placement support for its students.
  • The course benefits from expert faculty and top-notch infrastructure.
  • Students have the flexibility to study at their convenience and pace.
  • Assessment is modernized through online MCQs, with the eradication of traditional written tests.
  • The curriculum remains relevant and technologically up-to-date.
  • The course content is designed to be straightforward, understandable, and readily applicable.
  • VES encourages online students to gain hands-on experience via internships at schools serving specially-abled children, providing them with the necessary official documentation.

Shadow Teacher Course Duration

The Shadow Teacher Course Duration is a half-year course in Vidhyanidhi Education Society and also offers a Fast Track mode for ambitious learners.

Shadow Teacher Qualifications

Completion of the 10th standard is an essential Shadow Teacher Qualifications for a Shadow Teacher role. Engaged parents, strive to meet the child’s academic aims in a conventional school setting, requiring a Shadow Teacher with a patient demeanor and child understanding.

Shadow Teacher Training Course Fees

With affordable and flexible Shadow Teacher Training Course Fees, the Shadow Teacher Training Course by Vidhyanidhi Education Society offers a variety of payment methods, ensuring financial freedom and manageable costs for potential candidates.

Can A Mother Be A Shadow Teacher?

If the school permits it, mothers can undoubtedly become shadow teachers for their children. In truth, they can always be unrivalled shadow teachers. As long as they interpret the Shadow Teacher’s Meaning correctly. To do so, the mothers must enrol in the Shadow Teacher Training course and undergo extensive training to bring about an effective improvement in the child.

How Much Is A Shadow Teacher Paid?

Shadow teachers, primarily engaged by parents for the entirety of an academic term, typically receive their compensation on a monthly cycle from the parents.

Their pay fluctuates between 10,000 and 20,000 rupees per month, but it can differ depending on factors such as their professional experience, educational credentials, and proven trustworthiness.

What Do Shadow Teachers Do?Source: henryford

What Do Shadow Teachers Do?

Shadow teachers, also known as shadow educators or educational shadows, play an essential role in inclusive education. They usually work with students who have special needs or learning difficulties in mainstream educational settings.

Here are some of the responsibilities and tasks they perform:

Individual Support:

A shadow teacher accompanies the child throughout the school day to assist with the child’s individual needs. This can include helping them understand instructions, complete assignments, manage their belongings, and navigate social situations.

Facilitate Inclusion:

They help the child integrate into the class and participate in group activities. This can involve helping the child understand social cues, facilitating interactions with peers, and supporting the child in group tasks.

Behaviour Management:

A shadow teacher often supports children who struggle with behaviour due to conditions like ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, etc. They use strategies to help manage these behaviours in the classroom setting and work to prevent disruptive behaviour before it starts.

Communication Between Home and School:

Shadow teachers communicate with parents about the child’s progress, issues encountered during the day, and any significant achievements. To make sure the requirements of the kid are being addressed, they can also speak with the instructor.

Academic assistance:

They offer the child one-on-one academic assistance, assisting them in keeping up with the class, comprehending the subject, and finishing tasks. This can include modifying instructions or tasks to make them more accessible to the child.

Collaboration with Other Professionals:

Shadow teachers often work in collaboration with other professionals, such as occupational therapists, speech therapists, and school psychologists, to implement individual education plans (IEPs) or other accommodations for the student.

Skill Building:

They help the child develop skills that are essential for academic success, including organization, time management, and study skills. They also support the development of social and emotional skills.

Encourage Independence:

Ultimately, the goal of a shadow teacher is to encourage the child to become as independent as possible. They gradually reduce support as the child builds skills and confidence.

It’s worth noting that the role of a shadow teacher can vary depending on the specific needs of the child, the educational setting, and local regulations and practices regarding inclusive education.

Need Shadow Teacher

Understanding the unique educational requirements of children is paramount. Vidhyanidhi Education Society emphasizes the significance of the Need Shadow Teacher in the contemporary academic arena, comprehending their key role in providing personalized attention, thereby enhancing a child’s overall learning experience.

The role of a Shadow Teacher involves:

  • Individual attention to learners.
  • Assisting students with special needs.
  • Bridging communication gaps between children, parents and educators.
  • Enhancing classroom participation.
  • Facilitating social skills.

The curriculum at Vidhyanidhi Education Society carefully integrates these topics, fostering an inclusive and engaging educational environment. Its main aim is to equip prospective Shadow Teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to make a meaningful difference in children’s lives.

Source: spectrumnews

Role Of A Shadow Teacher

In an inclusive classroom setting, a shadow teacher—also referred to as a classroom assistant or a one-on-one support teacher—is essential for assisting kids with special needs. The main duty of a shadow teacher is to offer tailored support to a pupil who needs extra help to engage in academic and social activities in the regular classroom.

Here is some key Role Of A Shadow Teacher:

Individualized Support:

The shadow teacher works closely with a specific student, tailoring instruction and support to meet their unique needs. They collaborate with the classroom teacher, special education team, and parents to develop strategies and accommodations that promote the student’s learning and overall development.

Academic Assistance:

The shadow teacher helps the student to understand and complete academic tasks by breaking them down into manageable steps, providing explanations, and offering additional practice. They may modify materials and assessments to match the student’s abilities and provide alternative methods of instruction to ensure comprehension.

Behaviour Management:

Many students with special needs may exhibit challenging behaviours that can disrupt the learning environment. The shadow teacher assists in managing and redirecting these behaviours through positive reinforcement techniques, implementing behaviour plans, and promoting social and emotional development.

Social Integration:

The shadow teacher supports the student’s social integration by facilitating interactions with peers, promoting social skills development, and fostering positive relationships. They encourage participation in group activities, help the student navigate social situations, and provide guidance on appropriate behaviour and communication.

Collaboration and Communication:

The shadow teacher serves as a conduit for information between the student, the classroom instructor, and other people working on the student’s education. They interact with the team to guarantee consistency and continuity of assistance, discuss methods and recommendations, and offer frequent reports on the student’s development.

Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Implementation:

A shadow teacher assists in implementing the goals and accommodations outlined in the student’s IEP. They work towards the student’s specific objectives, track progress, and provide data and observations for IEP meetings and progress reports.

Empowerment and Independence:

Ultimately, the shadow teacher aims to foster the student’s independence and empower them to succeed in the least restrictive environment. They gradually fade support and promote self-advocacy skills, ensuring that the student can gradually rely less on external assistance and become more self-reliant.

It’s important to note that the specific duties and responsibilities of a shadow teacher may vary depending on the student’s needs, the educational setting, and the guidelines established by the school or district.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life. Enrol in Vidhaynidhi Education Society’s Shadow Teacher Training Certificate today!

For enrolment details call VES at 9321024137 / 9869866277.

For Downloading the brochure click here


A shadow teacher aids students with special needs. VES trains these professionals, equipping them to better support academic and social growth.

A shadow teacher's role is to assist students with special needs in academics, social scenarios, and behavioral management during school.

A shadow teacher provides individualized assistance to a special needs student in class. A special educator designs and implements tailored lessons.

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