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Special Education Courses in Delhi

Special Education Courses in Delhi

Special Education Courses in Delhi

Source: verywellfamily

Special Education Courses in Delhi

In the heart of India’s bustling capital, Delhi, there lies a unique treasure chest of knowledge and skills enhancement – Special Education Courses. These Online and Distance Special Education Courses in Delhi conducted by the prestigious Vidhyanidhi Education Society situated in Mumbai truly mean that distance doesn’t matter.

These courses are particularly created to satisfy the educational requirements of people with different learning preferences in Delhi and around the world.

They offer doors to a society in which education is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour but rather a meticulously crafted procedure that values and accommodates the variety of learners. These online and distance Special Education Courses in Delhi are designed to create caring, competent, and informed teachers who can significantly improve the lives of students with special educational needs.

Table of Content

Careers in Special Education

Source: internationalteacherstraining

Careers in Special Education

Graduating from a Special Education Needs Course paves the way to a host of engaging and rewarding career options. The chance to serve different communities in various environments is open to you.

Here are some popular Careers in Special Education:

Remedial Educator:

The main role is to identify children with special needs early on, devise appropriate teaching plans, and coordinate with teachers, parents, and other staff to enhance the child’s learning experience.

Home Remedial Tutor:

They offer personalized assistance to children, helping bridge their academic gaps in literacy, numeracy, and life skills.

Teamwork with Therapists:

Special educators collaborate with therapists like physiotherapists, psychologists, and speech therapists to address specific developmental concerns in a child.

Special Education Consultant:

They aid classroom teachers in modifying the regular curriculum and planning intervention programs for parents and guardians.

Rehabilitation Centre Educator:

They work alongside parents and teachers to help the child understand core concepts and apply innovative learning techniques.

Private Center Owner:

One can start their own center to help special needs children achieve independence and integrate into mainstream schools.

Social Worker:

Special educators assess a child’s abilities and formulate effective teaching plans in this role.

Student Aides:

They work towards inclusive education by providing specialized teaching to children with special needs.

Call here at 9321024137 / 9869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

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Special Education Certification Online

Source: thoughtco

Special Education Certification Online

Struggling to pursue a Special Educator certification due to professional or personal commitments?

Worry no more! Vidhyanidhi Education Society introduces the Diploma in Special Education Certification Online, packed with exceptional features for aspiring individuals:

Tailored Learning Experience:

This self-paced online course allows trainees to learn at their own convenience and preferred pace.

Worldwide Acceptance:

Acquire a recognised special education certification, opening doors to teaching careers worldwide.

No Mention of “ONLINE”:

Although the course is conducted online, the absence of the word “ONLINE” on the certificate makes it equivalent to a regular mode of study.

Affordable Course Fees:

Access quality education at an affordable cost, ensuring it is within reach for all.

Financial Benefits:

Say goodbye to daily commutes and save on transportation costs, time, and energy.

Convenient Delivery:

Receive study materials and certificates delivered directly to your doorstep.

Expedited Learning Option:

Finish the special education course early with the exclusive fast-track mode.

Special Education Course Duration

The Special Education Course Duration is as follows:

  • The course aims to build a strong foundation in special education, equipping candidates to make a significant difference in children’s lives.
  • The FAST TRACK mode allows students to adapt their learning pace, helping them finish the course at an accelerated rate instead of completing the course at a usual 1 year of Special Education Course Duration.
  • The quicker completion of the course results in an early start in the special education field, thus aiding in swift career progression.

For enrolment details call VES at 9321024137 / 9869866277.

For Downloading the brochure click here

What Qualifications Do I Need to Be a SEN Teacher?

Source: graduateprogram

What Qualifications Do I Need to Be a SEN Teacher?

The credentials required to apply for the Special Educator position are:

  • A bachelor’s degree in any course from an accredited university.
  • A diploma in Nursing.

A university degree ensures a strong educational foundation, while the nursing diploma introduces you to the basics of health care, a critical skill when dealing with students with special needs.

Special Ed Teacher Starting Salary

The Salary of Special ED Teacher is:

  • With the growing emphasis on Inclusive Education, the requirement for Special Education Teachers has escalated.
  • Special Ed Teacher Starting Salary can be expected to range between 1 and 2.5 lacks per year.
  • A diploma in Special Education from an institute registered by the government can greatly improve your employment prospects, potentially offering higher salary packages.
  • Job-based rewards and career advancements can further amplify the financial prospects associated with this job.

Correspondence Course in Special Education

Vidhyanidhi Education Society provides a Correspondence Course in Special Education, tailored for those eager to contribute to special education but hindered by time or location challenges. The course offers multiple noteworthy features:

  • Hassle-free home delivery of course materials.
  • A certificate that holds value across the globe.
  • Full assistance in finding employment.
  • Internship position offer letter.

Why Do We Need Special Education?

A system of education that is both inclusive and autonomous must include special education. It meets the special requirements of students with special needs or disabilities who need extra assistance and accommodations to access and benefit from education.

The following justifies the need for special education:

Equal educational opportunities:

Despite the different abilities, all children get an equal opportunity to receive an education thanks to special education. It strives to level the playing field and get rid of disability-based prejudice.

Individualized instruction:

Students with disabilities may have a variety of learning demands, necessitating individualised education that takes into account their particular strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences. To analyse, create, and administer individualised educational programmes that suit these requirements, special education specialists get specialised training.

Accommodations and support:

To participate in school activities, engage in learning, and advance academically, socially, and emotionally, children with disabilities need the accommodations, modifications, and support services that special education offers.

Inclusion and social integration:

Inclusionary settings where students with disabilities may socialise and study alongside their classmates without impairments are encouraged by special education. It promotes social integration, friendships, and the building of constructive relationships—all of which are essential for one’s personal development.

Individualized learning plans:

Individualised education plans (IEPs) or other comparable papers that specify particular objectives, tactics, and services for each student are created as part of special education. These plans provide a direction for teaching, tracking development, and cooperation between teachers, students, and families.

Initial Identification:

The early identification of learning disabilities in children is possible only because of special education. Special educators are trained to address and do early intervention for possible learning disabilities. This results in planning effective remedial plans to help special needs children overcome their disabilities and lead fruitful life.

Lawful rights:

Special education makes parents, teachers and educational institutions aware of the rights of special needs children to have inclusive education in the mainstream system with fewer limitations possible.

Addressing diverse needs:

Learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, emotional or behavioural problems, sensory impairments, and physical disabilities are only a few of the disabilities and exceptionalities that are served by special education. It acknowledges and responds to the various requirements of these children.

Thus, special education aims to support special needs children by providing opportunities, assistance, equality, inclusion and appreciation to help them achieve their full potential.

For admissions and queries please connect with us at 9869546913 / 9869866277

For Downloading the brochure click here

What Should I Study to Become a Special Education Teacher?

Source: csun

What Should I Study to Become a Special Education Teacher?

Diploma in Learning Disability

A Diploma in learning disability is the course that you need to pursue to become a special education teacher. This specialised program is developed to provide you with the information and talents needed to deal with people who have learning problems.

The course curriculum typically covers:

Understanding learning disabilities:

This entails comprehending the nature and variations of learning disorders, as well as their root causes, methods of detection, and effects on particular people.


Utilizing a variety of assessment methods and procedures, you would learn how to evaluate people with learning difficulties. This aids in understanding the person’s assets and liabilities.

Instructional strategies and interventions:

The course would include details on certain instructional techniques and treatments that are successful for people with learning difficulties. Techniques for enhancing one’s reading, writing, and mathematics abilities may be among them.

Individualized Education Plan (IEP):

You would gain knowledge about how to create an IEP, which is a formal document defining the services and support that will be provided to students with learning disabilities.

Inclusive education:

The course may cover the advantages of including students with learning difficulties in normal classes as well as successful inclusion practices.

Shadow Teacher Training

Shadow Teacher Training is a program designed to prepare individuals to serve as shadow teachers, also known as paraeducators or teacher aides, who provide one-on-one assistance to students with special needs in inclusive classroom settings.

The course curriculum typically covers:

Role of a shadow teacher:

You would learn about the responsibilities of a shadow teacher, which might include helping the student with academic tasks, social interactions, and behaviour management.

Collaboration and communication:

The course would emphasize the importance of working closely with the student’s regular teacher, special education teacher, parents, and other professionals. You would learn how to communicate effectively about the student’s progress and challenges.

Behaviour management strategies:

The training would provide information on how to manage challenging behaviour, using positive behaviour support strategies.

Inclusive practices:

The course would probably provide tips for making it easier for the student to participate in the usual class, such as altering tasks, offering accommodations, and encouraging peer socialization.

Understanding different disabilities:

Learning about various forms of disability and their effects on learning and development is an essential component of the program. This will assist you in identifying and addressing the unique requirements of the student you are assisting.

Thus, the above two courses are required to enter the arena of special education and have a successful career path. A license or teaching certification is required to teach in public schools. To learn about the criteria in your region, always check with your local professional organizations or educational authorities.

How You Treat a Special Child?

Treating a special child requires a considerate, open-minded strategy that emphasizes their individual requirements and skills.

Here are some wide-ranging ideologies to take into account:

Respect and empathy:

Show the special child respect, consideration, and compassion. Recognize their inherent worth and value as an individual.

Inclusion and acceptance:

Promote inclusion by creating an environment where the child feels accepted and valued. Encourage peer social connection and provide possibilities for activity engagement.

Individualized approach:

Recognise that every exceptional child is an individual with their own learning preferences, talents, and shortcomings. Tailor your interactions and teaching methods to suit their specific needs.

Clear communication:

Use simple language when communicating with the child. Be patient, attentive, and provide additional support if required.

Positive reinforcement:

Encourage and reinforce the child’s efforts and achievements. Celebrate their progress and focus on their strengths to build self-confidence and motivation.

Adapted teaching strategies:

Adapt instructional strategies, resources, and materials to the specific learning requirements of the child. Use visual aids, interactive exercises, and multiple strategies as necessary.

Collaborate with professionals:

Communicate the regular developments of the special needs child to the teachers, parents and other professionals involved to bring about holistic development in the child.

Foster independence:

Encourage the child to develop and practice independence skills within their abilities. Give them the chance to make decisions, solve problems, and accept responsibility for their actions.

Sensory considerations:

Be aware of any potential sensory issues the special needs child may have. Create a sensory-friendly environment by minimizing distractions, providing a quiet space, or using sensory tools if necessary.

Family involvement:

Get the child’s relatives involved in their upbringing and care. Work together to support the child’s well-being by understanding the parents’ or guardians’ viewpoints, gathering information, and doing so.

Every special child is different, therefore it’s important to treat them all as distinct individuals with their own set of strengths and problems.

Special Education Courses in Delhi

Enrol in Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s online or distance Special Education Courses in Delhi, to shape a brighter tomorrow in the profession of special education educator.

Call here at 9321024137 / 9869866277 for acquiring details of the course.

For Downloading the brochure click here


Special education teachers create individualized learning plans, adapt teaching methods, and provide additional support to students with disabilities.

To get special education certification, enroll in an accredited program, complete coursework and hands-on training. Vidhyanidhi Education Society offers such certification.

Special education students are taught core subjects adapted to their learning levels, along with life skills and social-emotional development.

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