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Start Phonics Classes

How to Start Phonics Classes?

Start Phonics Classes

Source: ruthmiskin

How to Start Phonics Classes?

Getting on the passage of teaching phonics can be both thrilling and scary, particularly if you’re new to the idea. Phonics classes are the basis of actual reading readiness training, making it necessary to start them off on the right foot. In this blog, we’ll learn how to start phonics classes, making sure that the basic ability of reading are put down in an interactive and actual manner.

Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or caregiver, this guide will give you hands-on tips and methods to start phonics classes that will not only inspire a love for reading but also shape the needed ability for prosperous literacy development. Let’s go into the world of phonics and learn about the best practices to start phonics classes that make learning to read a happy and satisfying experience.

Table of Content

Understanding the Basics

Before you start phonics classes, it’s necessary to hold on to the basic concepts. Phonics is the method of teaching reading by connecting sounds with letters or groups of letters. An effective phonics class begins with understanding this relationship. Start by explaining yourself with phonemic awareness – the ability to hear, know, and work individual sounds in spoken words. Once you have a solid understanding of these basics, you can confidently move forward to start phonics classes. Make sure to involve different types of activities that provide different learning styles: audio, visual, and movements.

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Creating an Engaging Curriculum

To start phonics classes that truly involve young students, your program must be lively and interactive. Begin with simple letter recognition and sound association. Slowly introduce more difficult concepts like blends, digraphs, and diphthongs.

Here’s how you can arrange your lessons:

  • Start with alphabet sounds: Teach the sounds each letter makes.
  • Introduce simple word decoding: Blend sounds to form short words.
  • Progress to more complex structures: Explore long vowels, silent letters, and irregular spellings.

Remember, repetition is key in phonics. Regular practice will help reinforce the concepts.

Building a Positive Learning Environment

When you start phonics classes, the learning settings plays an important role. Make sure that your space is welcoming and helpful to learning. Decorate the classroom with alphabet charts and phonics-related pictures. Keep the atmosphere positive and encouraging. Praise efforts and progress, and make sure to update your teaching methods to meet the varied needs of your students. Interactive games, songs, and stories make the learning course enjoyable and memorable.

Before starting phonics classes, you must have a strong hold of phonics principles, an engaging program, and create a developing learning setting. This method will lay a solid base for your students’ reading passage.

To join Phonics Teacher Training Course, Call / Whatsapp on +919869866277 / +919869546913.

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Phonics Training for Teachers

Source: multilit

Phonics Training for Teachers

Phonics Training for Teachers is fast gaining acknowledgment as an important component in literacy education. Knowing this need, Vidhyanidhi Education Society (Govt. regd.) has made a specialized program in phonics for teachers, focusing on the proper instruction of phonics to young students.

Here’s a closer look at what this training involves:

18 Hours of Intensive Training

Covering over 18 hours, it includes all needed methods of phonics teaching, making it both hands-on and handy for busy teachers.

UK-Based Synthetic Phonics Methodology

The program follows the popular UK-based Synthetic Phonics Teaching and Learning Methodology. This approach is well-known for its success in educating reading and writing ability, providing teachers a proven basis to guide their instruction.

Audio-Visual Teaching Aids

To increase the learning experience, the course includes audio-visual aids. These tools help in making the concepts more interactive and easier to understand, making sure that teachers can successfully pass on these ability to their students.

Jingles, Stories, and Actions for Sounds Demonstration

Teachers will learn to use jingles, stories, and actions to show the 42 sounds. This interactive method not only makes learning fun but also helps the young students to learn the phonic sounds.

Practice of all 42 Sounds

The course focuses on the proper practice of all 42 sounds, involving letter sounds and digraphs. This makes sure that teachers are well-provided to teach every feature of phonics to their students.

Mock-Drills and Interactive Sessions

Through mock-drills, teachers can simulate real-classroom scenarios, preparing them for actual teaching situations. Additionally, doubt-solving and question-answer sessions are conducted, allowing for personalized guidance and clarification of concepts.

The Vidhyanidhi Education Society’s (Govt. regd.) Phonics Training for Teachers program is a superb choice for teachers to enhance their teaching method and start phonics classes successfully. By the end of this course, teachers will be fully ready to set phonics-based teaching methods in their classrooms, open the way for increased literacy and language development in young children.

Start Phonics Classes

Join Vidhyanidhi’s Phonics Course today—unlock the joy of reading for your child!

To join Phonics Teacher Training Course, Call / Whatsapp on +919869866277 / +919869546913.

Get a copy of Phonics Teacher Training Course brochure by, Clicking Here!


Gain a certification in phonics teaching, learn teaching techniques, and understand child literacy development for success as a phonics teacher.

Vidhyanidhi Education Society offers a comprehensive online phonics course, renowned for its quality content and effective teaching methodologies.

To start phonics classes, get certified, understand phonics principles, create engaging lesson plans, and tailor your approach to children's learning styles.

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