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What is Specific Learning Disability?

What is Specific Learning Disability?

What is Specific Learning Disability?

Source: fsedu

What is Specific Learning Disability?

Ever had a moment where a concept felt so foreign that no amount of repetition seemed to help? Now, imagine this happening consistently with certain academic skills, regardless of instruction or effort. That’s the world for many with a Specific Learning Disability (SLD). But what is it, exactly? Let’s dive in.

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Understanding Specific Learning Disability (SLD)

Definition of SLD

SLD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in learning and using academic skills. This isn’t about low intelligence or laziness. It’s a genuine challenge in understanding or using spoken or written language, mathematics, and more.

Common Misconceptions about SLD

Think of SLD as being colour-blind. Just as colour-blind individuals perceive colours differently, those with SLD process certain academic skills differently. It’s not about seeing less; it’s about seeing differently. Many assume that those with SLD can’t learn. In reality, they just learn differently.

Types of Specific Learning Disabilities


This is the most recognized form of SLD. It affects reading, where individuals may struggle with word recognition, spelling, and decoding.


Ever felt like numbers are just dancing around? People with dyscalculia face challenges in understanding numbers and mathematical facts.


Writing can be a beautiful art. But for those with dysgraphia, it’s a maze of difficulty in forming letters, spacing words, and expressing ideas on paper.

Non-Verbal Learning Disorders

While they may excel in verbal communication, they struggle with understanding non-verbal cues, spatial relationships, and physical coordination.

Causes and Risk Factors

Genetics and Heredity

Ever heard the saying, “It runs in the family”? Research suggests that SLD can be hereditary. If a family member has it, the likelihood increases for others.

Brain Structure and Function

Our brains are like the control rooms of our bodies. Differences in certain parts of the brain can lead to challenges in processing information.

Environmental Factors

Factors like premature birth, substance exposure in the womb, or lack of early childhood education can elevate the risk.

Call here at 9321024137 / 9869866277 for a better understanding of the course.

For Downloading the brochure click here

Identifying SLD in Children and Adults

Source: careerguide

Identifying SLD in Children and Adults

Signs and Symptoms

From difficulties in understanding instructions to consistent mistakes in reading or math, the signs vary based on the type of SLD.

Diagnostic Tests

Specialists often use a combination of tests, observations, and background checks to diagnose SLD.

Living with SLD

Challenges Faced

From self-esteem issues to academic pressures, the road can be bumpy. But it’s not without hope.

Strategies and Resources for Success

Like fitting a round peg in a square hole, traditional methods might not work. But with tailored strategies, success is attainable.

The Importance of Early Intervention

Role of Teachers and Educators

With early identification and support, educators can pave a path for success.

How Parents Can Help

From patience to accessing resources, parents play a crucial role in nurturing potential.

Specific Learning Disability is a journey of seeing the world differently. While there are challenges, with understanding and the right resources, individuals with SLD can lead successful and fulfilling lives.

An overview of the Learning Disability course at VES

Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES) stands out for its unique Learning Disability course that is tailor-made for aspiring educators and professionals. Designed to equip candidates with specialized skills, this course offers an in-depth perspective on understanding and addressing learning disabilities.

Key Details:


One year.


Completion of Class 12th is a must.

Salary Insights:

The remuneration post-course completion largely varies based on factors such as location, experience, and proficiency in managing children with learning disabilities.

At VES, the emphasis is on providing practical knowledge backed by theoretical insights. The course ensures that the graduates are prepared to make a tangible difference in the lives of children with learning disabilities. With this training, participants are primed to effectively cater to the needs of these children, fostering an environment of understanding and support.

What is Specific Learning Disability?

For enrolment details call VES at 9321024137 / 9869866277.

For Downloading the brochure click here.


No, SLD is about processing information differently, not a lack of intelligence.

Absolutely! Many adults discover they have SLD later in life.


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